Mâķë Mę å Đėāł

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Lucia flipped through the book that she found at an abandoned mansion.

Stopping at a page she felt drawn to she starts to read it. "A summoning ritual?" Noceda fixed her beanie that had started to fall off.

"Hmm, blight curse."  Reading more she got up and walked to the bathroom pulling out a box filled with different candels.

"Scented ones should be fine" she mumbled walking back to the old book and moved the candels into a large circle.

Grabbing a purple marker she drew a pentagram on her hardwood floor. "This is stupid" she said but still continuing.

Lighting the candels but one she leaned over and turned off the lamp that originally lit the room.

Reading more of the instructions she started to feel worried? No, excited. Very excited.

"Infront of pentagram put a belonging that's special to you." Sighing they hesitantly take off the red worn out beanie putting it infront of her.

"Now say the words written below" they struggled reading the writing now that it was hard to say but the ink was a bit smudged.

After they completed the paragraph of strange words, the candels burned brighter the the purple pentagram started to glow.

Lucia's eyes widened, a faint smiled appeared of her face as she stood up.

A figure appeared. It looked human apart from the wings and horns.

"Heh, a demon" she told herself. The candels blew out as the demon touched the floor. All you could see was the yellow eyes that glowed brightly.

Walking back into the nightstand she quickly turned on the lamp.

Being able to see the demon clearly her eyes widen and heart started to pound their breathing grew rapid.

The demon grinned revealing their sharp teeth. "Scared human?" They had a nice voice soft but gravely.

The human shook her head slowly. They were taken aback. "Heh" thy slowly walked to the human.

"Are you ready to make a deal" they looked up to the human.

Tilting her head lucia had a blush. "You're short" they said quietly.

The demons eye twitch. "You're really gonna say that to a demon that could kill you?" The demon gritted their teeth.

"Wait, deal?" Lucia stood there dumbfounded. "Yes deal, now what is it?" The purpled haired demon tapped their foot again thr floor getting annoyed.

"Be my girlfriend" lucia said with a small smile.

"Excuse me?" Their point ears dropped.

"Be my girlfriend."

Ahaha hi its Ghost, I might make this into a book. I'm not sure where I would put it on, my account or this one. Just tell me if you want this to be a book and where it should go.


My Girlfriend Is CrazyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz