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Zach sat patiently at his high chair, dressed in fresh pajamas, bright blue and dotted with toy train designs. Xia handed him a large plastic baby bottle filled with milk. He eagerly started drinking it, fully trusting her.

He didn't realize how much he'd changed over the course of five days. From a normal fur in a hoodie to an oversized baby in an infant's pajamas wearing a huge diaper and drinking from a bottle like a freaking weirdo. He hoped that his parents hadn't noticed his disappearance.

He suddenly froze, his mind whirled around to his parents. They were surely freaking out, and wondering where the heck he was. Zach cringed at the thought of what his dad would think if he could see him now. He buried his head in his hooves, dropping the bottle onto the tray of the highchair. 

Xia turned to look at him, and gave him a confused glance,

"Everything alright, buddy?"

Zach managed to nod. He pushed off the tray and dropped onto the ground on his knees. He had accepted by now that he was unable to stand. He allowed himself to halfheartedly knock over a couple of building blocks.

Xia walked out of the room, seemingly willing to leave him alone. Zach hoped that she understood. He continued to stack the blocks one on top of each other, spelling very clearly; X-F-U-E-T-I-P-S. Once he had finished, he pushed them over, toppling the blocks onto the shag carpet.

He started to begin a larger build, a giant castle but was instead halted by a large cramp in his stomach. Zach winced and tried to push it away, inhaling and exhaling deeply. He slowly stacked more building blocks of different shapes on top of each other, but he was hit by another cramp.

Wheezing, he had no idea what was going on, and he rolled onto his back, moaning. Xia entered the room, and her eyes widened.

"What's going on?"

Zach couldn't help it, and replied,

"Xia, help me....my stomach really hurts..." He whimpered. 

"It does? How come?" She kneeled down beside him, laying a paw on his soft stomach.

"I dunnooo...." Zach moaned.

"Oh," Xia snapped her fingers, "I put some laxatives in your bottle because you've been seeming to have some trouble messing your diaper."
Zach looked at her in pain,


"Zach," Xia said gently, "you need to try and mess your diaper."

He groaned. The tiger stood,

"I'll leave you alone.."

She left, and Zach watched her leave. He was torn between getting rid of the horrid pain in his stomach or doing something totally humiliating. Another burst of pain shot through him, and he whimpered, clutching his stomach tightly.

Fine. If that's what it would take he would do it. Anything to get rid of that awful feeling. His face went red as he pushed hard, but nothing happened. Panting for breath, Zach paused, regaining air. He inhaled deeply and then stressed as hard as he could. Nothing came out of his backside except for a couple of bursts of air. 

As stressful as the situation was, Zach couldn't help but give out a couple of breathless laughs. More relaxed suddenly, he let out a small gasp as a large fart escaped from him, and a log slowly slid into the back of his diaper. He let out an audible sigh of relief as another one followed, as well as a couple more wet farts. Zach fell onto his back, the pain in his stomach vanishing, and laughed out loud, relieved. The poop in his diaper squished against his front and back, mushing together, warm and squishy, but he didn't care.

Xia came in shortly after, clearly having heard his relieved laughter, and fanned her nose with a smile. 

"Whew!" She laughed. Zach jumped, not having heard her come in, and whipped around to face her. She was grinning.

Zach ended up grinning back. He pumped his fist into the air to show his victory.

"Alright, buddy, looks like somebody needs a diaper change." She knelt down to pick him up, and inspect his loaded diaper. 

"Wow." She said, almost to herself. "You really had to poop, bud."

Zach nodded, cheeks tinged pink.

Xia carried him to the changing table, and untaped his smelly, wet, loaded diaper. The stench flew into the air, and Zach wrinkled his nose, surprised when Xia didn't even flinch. He had to guess that she had done this multiple times before.

She briskly folded up the used diaper and taped it closed, dropping it into a diaper genie. She bent down and pulled out two different diapers. One was bright blue with multiple different-sized stars in darker shades of blue. The other was plain white, with a faint yellow stripe down the middle.

"Which one?" She asked.

Zach stared at them both. He was both excited and surprised at the fact that Xia was giving him the option to choose which diaper he wanted to wear. Feeling dumb because there was clearly one option between the two. He pointed at the diaper with the blue stars. 

He didn't notice, but Xia flicked one ear. Her plan was working. He was ready.

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