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Zach slowly drifted into consciousness and was immediately aware that something wasn't right. First off, he was lying on a padded-colored bench in the dark. Second, moonlight drifted in through huge windows behind him that had never been in his room before. Third, the room was huge, with colored polka dot carpet, and a giant play structure in the corner. Last but not least, he was alone, so it seemed. 

He slowly sat up and put his hooves on the floor. He shivered. Looked around. Searched for an explanation. Then suddenly he remembered where he was. The daycare. Zach smacked himself in the forehead. What an idiot. Had he seriously fallen asleep? He took a couple of tentative steps around, a chill shivering down his spine. The building was creepy when empty and dark. Luckily, the emergency lights that had to stay on gave him enough light to see by. He strode to the large clear glass doors and grabbed the handle, tugging it hard. When it didn't open, he wasn't really surprised, but gave it one last yank, almost dislocating his shoulder, before giving up.

Zach scanned the room again, hoping for another exit, but for some reason, he couldn't spot the familiar illuminated green sign. His left ear perked when suddenly he heard a sound; very faint, but noticeable enough. He turned in the direction of the sound, but he couldn't see anything. Then it came again; a bit louder. It sounded like a voice. At first, Zach was afraid, but then he brightened in the realization that they might be able to get him out of there.

He strained for the noise a third time, but it didn't come. He closed his eyes and focused, but nothing could be heard but the whistle of air condition through the vents. The deer crept into a carpeted hallway, trying the handles of every door that he came across. The hallway ended in another door, but Zach was too discouraged to even try. Hunching his shoulders, he spun on his heel to search for another way out but was stopped when he heard the noise again, much louder this time. He brightened and whipped around. The source of the sound came from behind the door. On closer inspection, he could actually see a bit of light underneath the door. 

Assuming the door was locked, Zach stared at the door, rubbing his furry chin. After a moment of thought, he stepped back for a good bit. Then with a deep inhale, he charged, racing towards the door. Bracing himself for impact, he slammed his shoulder into the door. To his surprise, the door fell open easily, and he fell onto the floor. Zach let out a moan, rubbing his aching shoulder before opening his eyes. 

The room was illuminated with golden light, and at first, everything seemed the same as the first room except for a couple of differences. For one, there were two or three large cribs shoved into the corner, but Zach didn't find that unnatural. Second, there was no play structure, but many infant toys scattered about, such as blocks, action figures, and plushes. The most major and odd difference was the fact that on the floor lay a fox, around Zach's age, adorned in a diaper, and nothing else, hugging an action figure to his chest. Sitting next to him, and smiling affectionately was the tiger that Zach had seen earlier. They both turned to gawk at Zach, and the deer stared back, just as shocked as them.

"What are you doing here?" The tiger's voice was smooth and surprisingly affectionate. 

"Oh, um...I'm really sorry..." Zach stammered, "I fell asleep...I need to get going..." 

He stood, and stared out into the hallway.

"Well, hold on, now, don't worry." The tiger called. "Jafar here is done anyway." She patted the fox's stomach, and he giggled, before rising to his paws. 

"I'll see you tomorrow night!" The tiger smiled, and the fox waved, closed the door, and walked out into the hallway, eyeing Zach enviously as he passed. Zach gulped, now alone in the suspicious room with the tiger.

"I don't think I've seen you here before...are you new?" She asked. Suddenly she snapped her fingers. "Ah, I saw you this morning. I could tell you wanted to sign up for the program." 

Zach stared at her in confusion and slight terror.

"Hold up, what are you talking about?" He asked. 

"You're right, I'm going way too fast with this," she remarked apologetically. "I'm Xia. And I'm one of the caretakers in the Littles Program." 

"What's the Littles Program?" Zach stammered. Xia tipped her head to the side with a small, affectionate smile.

"You'll find out."

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