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Zach suddenly felt his limbs snap back into reality, and he did his best to cover the large diaper with Pickle. But his attempts were in vain; the blanket was pulled into the air, and the young buck found himself totally vulnerable in front of two mammals.

The sheep--Wendy, was her name?----let out a squeal of delight, which privately Zach thought to be immature. The lynx grinned, 


Zach wished that he could disappear at that moment, and felt his furry cheeks burn like fire. 

"This is Zach. He's in the Program," Xia explained matter-of-factly. The lynx, Diego, ruffled Zach's hair.

"Oh. Looks like he's new." Wendy remarked, studying him. Zach squirmed uncomfortably, unpleased that he was at the center of attention.

"Oh, he is," Xia told them. "Well, Zach, you want to say hi?" 

Zach shook his head.

"Don't be rude," Xia teased. The young buck let out a mighty sigh, and after a small silence, he mumbled,


Wendy smiled,

"Hi, Zach!"

Diego grinned and held out his fist. Zach stared at it for a couple of seconds before realizing that the lynx wanted to give him a fist bump. He tentatively bumped his knuckles with the predator. The lynx nodded,

"Cool, little dude," he remarked. "Come on Wendy, we gotta get going. I'm sure these two have more to do than being admired by us."

Zach had to stifle a sigh of relief and a laugh as the lynx literally dragged the sheep away,

"Can't we stay a little longer? He's so cute!" She protested, but Diego paid no attention. Soon the two disappeared over the hill.

"Now, that wasn't too bad, was it?" Xia asked in a satisfied tone.

Zach shrugged,

"That lynx, Diego, was okay...but Wendy was... a little...."

"Too much?" Xia finished with a laugh.

Zach nodded earnestly and found himself giggling too.

Xia looked down at him, her expression a mix of surprise and happiness.

"You know, you're really cute when you laugh," she observed. Zach blushed and smiled up at her.

"Okay, okay, my face is gonna melt off with all this cuteness. Let's head back," Xia laughed, and pushed the stroller back down the hill. Zach found himself reaching for his bottle without realizing it, and when it wasn't there, he let out a whimper. 

Xia took notice of this and reached into the bottom of the stroller, where she had placed it earlier. She tossed it to Zach, who fumbled with it, and it ended up falling in his lap. 

The buck spat out the pacifier and began to sip the bottle as he neared the doors of the DayCare. As he entered the doors and met the eyes of the two front desk employees, his ears went flat, and he looked away.

They strolled into the playroom, and once again all Zach could hear was screams of laughter, squeals, and yelling of cubs, pups, hatchlings, and other mammals. 

As they passed the great structure, a mass of tubes, slides, foam pits, and child trampolines, Zach found himself staring at it in longing. He realized this but didn't correct himself.

Xia noticed and said nothing, but smiled a little.

They wheeled past the room (but not without the curious stares of a couple of mammals), and into their own little area. 

Zach found himself oddly relieved to be back to the small infant-based room, and tugged at the stroller, eager to get out. Xia came over and unbuckled the seat belt that held him tight, and he tumbled out, onto the carpeted floor.

Flustered, Zach wiped hastily at the bits of dirt that clung to his fur and looked around.

"Now what?"

"Well, I was thinking it's time for you to have a bath, but first we need to check your diaper," Xia said, and picked him up, sitting him on her hip.

She sat him down on the changing table, and he bit his lip, looking away as she pressed him onto his back. 

He heard and felt her check the diaper, and she remarked,

"You're wet." 

Zach didn't feel the usual pang of disappointment with himself and rather found his mind toying with the possibility of playing on the giant play structure outside.

Without realizing it, Xia finished and patted the new diaper that was now fastened to Zach. As she carried him towards the hallway, where he assumed that the bathroom was, she whispered in his ear,

"We can go tomorrow."

Zach looked at her in surprise and excitement. She nodded and tickled his stomach. Zach giggled again, swatting her paws away.

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