Zach awoke with a start. He pulled down his sleeve and glanced at his watch. 5 'o'clock. He should probably get going. He stood up and frowned at the unfamiliar weight in his crotch. He looked down at his diaper and flinched. It was a pale yellow and sagged down almost to his thigh. He almost shrieked but covered his mouth with a hoof just in time.

"What the---" He moaned when he was a bit more relaxed, "I'm not a bedwetter....!" 

He almost felt like crying. Zach slowly pulled the wet diaper off and changed into a new one without realizing it. Personally, he didn't want to have an accident. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and self-consciously covered the bulge around his crotch with his hoodie, but it didn't do too much. 

Suddenly, he heard a noise from the next room. He whipped around. Slowly, he peeked through the door that connected the two rooms. A wolf was cleaning the room. He closed the door quickly and silently, heart racing. He needed to leave before she came to clean his room. Zach grabbed his wallet and shoved it into his pocket, opening the door and walking into the hallway. A couple of mammals strayed at the far end, but he was easily able to sneak past.

To get into the main building, Zach had to walk through the long hallways of doors before getting to the large doors that led into the lobby. He cringed past everyone, silently praying that no one was following him. When he arrived at the main doors, he almost sighed with relief before he realized that there were even more mammals here than in the hallways.

He slowly stepped through the doors, pulling his hoodie over his face so that no one would recognize a diaper-wearing freak. He almost wished for one of those doctors masks that covers half your face. Even though as he trotted through the marble hallway nobody looked at him, he felt as if every eye was on him, watching and exposing him for the weirdo he was.

He slunk through the lobby, and just as he was about to go through the automatic doors at the front, a snow leopard stepped in front of him. Zach flinched and froze.

"Hey there! Support the sea turtles? Since some mammals have started to build communities closer to the beach, their population is in danger," she explained. Zach shook his head quickly, stammering,

"Uh--n-no thanks...." 

The snow leopard frowned.

"Are you sure? Haven't you ever wanted to see a sea turtle before?"

Zach shrugged.

"Oh come on. Even a dollar helps!" She pleaded. Zach almost sensed a teasing tone and cringed.

"Fine...whatever," he tried to pull his wallet out of his hoodie pocket, but it dropped to the ground. He bent down to pick it up, but then the rim of his sweatpants fell down a little. The unmistakable crinkle was too much, and he froze. The snow leopard let out a little gasp; it was quiet but clearly audible from Zach's position.

Zach shot up, and almost dropped his wallet again pulling down his hoodie. The leopard was shoving her phone into her pocket hastily.

"Are you wearing....?" The leopard's voice was a mix of confusion and disbelief. 

Zach sighed loudly,

"do you want the dollar or not?"

The snow leopard nodded quickly, but he could see her eyes fixed on the rim of his sweatpants. He hastily pulled them up, cheeks on fire. Zach dug through his wallet, hooves shaking, and pulled out a couple of dollar bills. He handed them to the leopard, and she smiled gratefully at him. As he hurried through the doors, he could sense her eyes burning into the back of his head.

Zach had clearly forgotten about the humidity outside because he was sweating by the time he found a shuttle. The driver was a rabbit wearing a baseball cap and the resort uniform. 

"Hello sir," he saluted. Zach gave a small wave and sat down.

"The daycare please."

He was relieved when the driver didn't question his request. 

"Give me a sec," the rabbit said, pulling out a gas can and filling up the shuttle.

Zach grabbed his phone and turned it on. Scrolling down social media, he suddenly halted at one of the latest pics. Titled with the word 'Diaper', he opened it. The picture was of a deer in a green hoodie bending over the rim of his pants exposing a diaper. Zach let out a shriek when he realized it was him from a couple of moments ago.

The driver shot up from his place,

"What's wrong?!"

Zach cringed, and shook his head,

"N-nothing," he mumbled. 

He quickly scanned the description. It was short but said enough.

"Saw this little dude today! Wonder why?"

The comments were just as embarrassing. Stuff like,

"Aw, so cute!"

"Odd, but not bad."

"Rock that diaper, little buddy!"

Zach shuddered and shoved his phone into his pocket. Slowly, when he was sure the driver wasn't looking, he fingered the front rim of his diaper. It crinkled ever so slightly, but the rabbit didn't notice. He didn't even know any of those mammals, and they already treated him as a baby.

"Finished!" The rabbit sang. Zach flinched. The driver climbed in, and they roared off down the street, Zach silently moaning with embarrassment. 

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