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Zach found himself unable to rest as he rolled onto his side, clutching a stuffed blue dog close to his chest. He had been stripped of his hoodie, much to his displeasure, and given a bottle full of formula to suckle. Of course, he wanted desperately to please Xia, but leaving his hoodie made him want to groan.

The diaper crinkled comfortably against his front, and the young buck stared at it. Xia had changed him into a bright diaper displaying young diapered furs playing with one another. The look of it gave Zach a small smile. His attention turned to the blue floppy dog that he had been clutching and booped its nose with his hoof. 

He decided, without realizing it, that the stuffie needed a name. Zach studied it closely. 

"You'll be...Pickle!" He said softly. The dog stared back at him, a cute smile sewn across its face. Zach embraced it tightly. 

The next morning, Xia roused Zach from his crib, and the deer moaned in protest. The tiger laughed.

"Come on, buddy, you gotta wake up! We're going on a walk!" 

Zach opened his mouth to speak, but Xia put her finger to his muzzle to stop him. The young buck smiled sheepishly, remembering all of a sudden what she had told him not to do the day before. He shook his head instead, with a smile across his muzzle to show that he didn't want to go.

Xia tickled his stomach,

"Come on, it's good for you!" 

Zach couldn't help giggling, and he swatted at her paws.

Reaching into the crib with surprising strength, Xia hoisted him onto her hip like an oversized baby. Zach hastily grabbed Pickle, pleased with himself that he was playing with a plush just like an infant. 

Xia carried him over to the large changing table, complete with a smooth, cool pad decorated with tiny blue stars. She set him down on it, and gently pushed him down onto his back. Zach blushed, even though it was the third time she had done this. 

The tiger briskly untaped his diaper, and Zach couldn't help but look away, cheeks on fire as he found himself exposed to her once again. 

"Looks like you're a little wet," Xia reported gently. Zach felt mixed feelings. On one hand, he was glad that he had done something babyish, but on the other hand, he was disappointed with himself that he couldn't hold his bladder overnight.

Suddenly Zach was six years old again, sitting on the edge of his bed with his mom beside him. 

"I'm sorry..." Young Zach sniffled. His mother put her arm around him and squeezed him lovingly. 

"It's okay, sweetie, all little fawns do this...how about some orange juice?" 

The younger Zach brightened, and brushed a tear away, "Yeah!" 

His mother stood and gently pulled the fawn away from the soaked bedsheets, and out the doorway.

Zach stifled a gasp as he was snapped back into reality, and shook his head to clear it. Xia had crossed the room and was unfolding a stroller. He looked down at his new diaper, which was now a pale yellow and puffing out more than the first had.

He hopped off the table and strode over to the stroller that Xia had just finished unfolding. She turned to him,

"Okay, hop in."

Zach shyly shook his head. He didn't want to go out in public yet. Despite this, Xia picked him up. He struggled a bit, but she took no notice and set him down in the stroller seat. 

Before the young buck could climb out, Xia buckled him in tight, and he was stuck. He shivered as the diaper pressed up against him, but it was not a shiver of displeasure.

Seeming to feel a touch of sympathy, the tiger handed Zach a large thin baby blanket adorned with blue ducklings. The young buck immediately threw it over his head as she pushed him out the door of the room, and into the hallway. All around him the noise of cubs, kittens, hatchlings, and fawns screaming and squealing with laughter filled his ears, and he clutched Pickle close.

At one point, a curious dragon hatchling tried to lift the blanket, but Xia stopped him with a gentle touch of her paw.

They wheeled out the doors of the playroom, and into the bright humid sunshine. Although the blanket provided shade and protection, Zach wished that it wasn't so hot. He fingered the buckle, but something seemed to be wrong because he couldn't undo it.

As they continued along the concrete pathway, the young buck froze when he heard approaching paw steps. A sheep and a lynx were approaching. Silently praying that Xia would just pass them without a word, he squeezed his eyes tightly shut.

Unfortunately, it seemed that his prayers hadn't worked, because Xia pulled them to a stop, and said brightly,

"Good morning Wendy! Good morning Diego!"

Zach made absolutely no movement, staying as quiet as possible.

"Oh, hey there, Xia!" Came a light male voice; it must've been the lynx's

"It's been so long since I've seen you!" The other voice floated through the air, sweet and clear. It was obviously the sheep.

As they chatted, Zach stayed as stiff as a stone, but his attempts were in vain because the conversation quickly turned to why the tiger was pushing a large stroller around. His eyes widened in horror as suddenly a hoof reached in and lifted the blanket up high.

✔~Locked In Paradise~✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon