Zach sat in a small stroller, draped in a pale yellow shirt and the diaper he had worn the other night, which still sat unused. The thought of doing something in it made him shudder. He was in his room, back at the resort. Xia had given him many items for infants that he was supposed to practice used by the next time he visited. Currently, he was trying out the folding stroller that would rarely be used, but he still needed to. 

His parents hadn't seemed worried when he'd returned, which Zach thought to be extremely odd, but had told him to stay in his room for a while. This was the perfect opportunity to do what Xia had instructed. 

He wiggled in place, surprised that the padding in the seat was so comfortable, before pulling himself onto the floor. The deer walked to the door connecting his and his parent's rooms and made sure it was securely locked. Then he checked the other door. Also locked.

Zach folded up the stroller, and then shoved it into his closet, where the other objects were stored. Then he pulled out a small box, filled to the brim with baby toys. He sat down with it and pulled out a large rattle. He gave it a jiggle, and it rattled loudly. He smiled and did it again. Quickly tiring with the toy, he pulled out another, replacing the rattle. What he found was a soft plastic ring. A teething ring, he remembered Xia calling it. Zach tentatively put his teeth on it, and flinched in surprise at a small taste of lemon. Shying away from the ring, he put it back in the box and pulled out a small pole with about 6 colored rings mounted on it.

Zach fingered the rings, and then flipped the pole, dumping them off. Then he slowly stacked them,  one on top of the other, in rainbow order. Grinning at what he had just done, he put it back in the box, pulling out yet another toy. This was simply a plush giraffe. Zach studied it, fingering the soft fur sewn across its body, and then booed its nose, smiling at it before returning it. Last, he grabbed a pacifier, and with a bit of hesitation, he stuck it in his mouth. It felt smooth and rubbery, and he sucked it for a couple of moments before quickly putting it back, shuddering. Somehow, he didn't feel ready for it yet.

Zach shoved the box back into the closet and then eyed the contents before reaching in and pulling out the other box; this one filled with diapers. They were all the same white color, but different sizes. He grabbed one, and sighed, looking at his own. He knew what he was supposed to do, and Xia had told him that he had to that day or he wouldn't be able to go through with it in the future. 

Come to think of it, he did need to go to the bathroom, but when he started for the toilet, he sat back down and sighed. At last, he pushed hard. His bladder fought back, screaming at him that it wasn't a good idea, and was he out of his mind. Zach pushed harder, and he gave away. The diaper's front began to grow warm, and he blushed hard even though there was nobody to see him. 

When he finished, the diaper was tainted a faint yellow, and soaking wet. Zach tentatively stood up and felt the weight of the diaper sag beneath him. When he walked it swayed back and forth. He reached for another diaper to change himself. 

Zach sat down again to change, and the diaper squished beneath him. Hard. He shivered. It felt good for some reason. He reluctantly took the soaking diaper off, and threw it in the trash can, wrinkling his nose. That can was going to smell bad for weeks. Then he taped a new diaper on. Even though he was relieved to be in a fresh diaper, he wondered why he had delighted in wearing a soggy, wet one. 

Tearing his thoughts away from the diapers, Zach threw off the yellow shirt that he had been wearing, and grabbed his familiar green hoodie, the one that he favored so much. He pulled it on, and relaxed at the feeling of the fabric on his body. He pushed the box of diapers back into the closet, and examined the other things that he had yet to discover. All that was really left was a folding pack-n-play, which was basically a crib, but he didn't feel the need to just yet. Instead, he grabbed one of the packs of Oreos that the room service maid had left after cleaning, and ripped it open.

Zach jumped onto his bed, and turned on the TV, unentertained when a couple of fishing programs switched across the screen. Slowly, he fell asleep, not realizing that he was slowly wetting himself as he slept.

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