"Yeah so that's not the important part. I called you here to tell you the story I told Cadogan about what happened between us on Sanctum. It's nothing major but just in case he asks you."

"I'm confused now. Story? And wait, you said they're sending my friends so they're not sending me?"

"No they're not. I told Cadogan you helped me find the notebook but when the alarm started we ran, I fell -hence the bruise on my face- and lost it."

"Wow, Bellamy... Why would you do that?"

"Because it was partially the truth. You didn't fight with the others, you don't deserve to be punished for that."

"Bellamy, I don't know what to say. Thank you."

"Yeah, it- it wasn't a big deal."

"Yes it was! I punched you in the face and you did that for me."

"Don't worry about that, it was nothing really. The bruise isn't that big and it doesn't hurt."

"Liar. There's blood all over your face."

"It still doesn't hurt."

Liar, again.

"Uhm, at least let me help you clean the blood up, it's the least I can do."

"Oh- uh it's not necessary but uhm thanks."

"Nonsense, come on show me to the bathroom."

He still looked doubtful but he led me to the en-suite bathroom.

This was it. My chance to tell him about the last war and Cadogan's lies.

My only chance to get him back on our side.

As I was cleaning his wound both of us stayed quiet until I couldn't prolong it anymore.

"Bellamy, I need to talk to you about something important."

"Uh sure what is it?"

"Uhm well, it's about the last war?"

"Why what's wrong with the last war?"

"It doesn't exist."

"Clarke, I would appreciate it if you weren't so blatantly disrespectful towards my faith."

Good job Clarke, now he's angry.

"I'm just telling you the truth Bellamy. This isn't about faith this is about science. Jordan saw through the anomaly, there is one more planet that we could travel there through it.

But, it has life. Not humans, something else. Hence all the training.

And well, he doesn't have the code to access it. That's why he wants the key so badly."

He was silent for a long time, his head hung low and I was very surprised to see his eyes glistening with tears.

What the hell is happening.

"Bellamy, say something please..."

"What do you want me to say Clarke, everything I've ever known is a lie."

"I know this is hard for you because you believed in it but it's not the end of the world. You had a life before that and you will have a life after this."

"That's the problem Clarke I didn't have a life before this."

"Wow. That's so nice to hear. I know it has been hard for both of us but that was a low blow."

"No Clarke you don't understand."

"You keep saying that."

"I- I don't remember my life before this. Before Bardo and Cadogan."

Now he was full out crying and I could feel myself starting to cry as well.

That was why he's become a disciple, my heart hurt for him.

He turned his head away from me, always ashamed to be seen crying.

Some things never change.

"Oh Bellamy..."

I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could think of.

I hugged him.

I hugged him and tried to comfort him as much as I could.

This was all heartbreaking but I was so so relieved.

He wasn't a traitor.

He never betrayed us.

He never betrayed me.

Bellamy slowly pulled away from the hug but not completely.

His arms were still around me.

Our faces inches apart.

I saw his eyes fall on my lips.

I slowly closed mine.

I felt his breath on my face.

And then...

I felt his lips brushing on mine.

But as soon as it happened it stopped.

Abruptly he stood up and turned away.

He cleared his throat.

"I think it's been a long day for both of us, you should go get some rest. The guards outside will guide you to your new room."

I stood there not replying waiting for him to turn around but he never did.

Without goodbye I turned on my heels and left.

He was kind of right, both of us had a lot of things to think about.

The guards showed me my room but despite my exhaustion I stayed awake all night only one thought in my head...



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