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Elsie Lock

When I woke up the next morning, I was laying on the deep green sheets of my bed. Nobody was around me- everyone must have left. I had no idea where Dallas, Darry, Soda, or Steve were. Pony was sitting on the couch, watching the tv in front of him. Two-Bit was still asleep, his empty bottle of beer was standing next to him. The liquid inside was still, as if it was frozen inside the bottle. 

I was standing in the hallway near the bathroom. I looked at the small cut that had been stitched up and frowning. I felt my muscles and blood moving underneath the wound. It had only been a few hours since I got home. The nurses had put butterfly stitches over the actual stitches, which probably was a good thing. I tend to pick off bandages when I get anxious, which happens a lot. 

"Hey, Pony." I said, he looked back at me and smiled. Two-Bit had woken up and was too focused on the TV in front of him. 

"Hey, El." Pony said, closing his book. I smiled and waved his way, holding my hand over the stitch in my arm. "Theres some cold teriyaki chicken in the fridge if you want it, Darry didn't eat all of it last night.". 

"Thanks." I said, pushing through the kitchen. The doctors had wanted me to start walking as soon as I could to encourage my leg to heal. The muscles in my leg were in pain, but I guess I had to suffer through it. I reached the fridge and opened the small door, pulling the small white box out of the fridge. There was still a decent amount of food inside the box, maybe it was because the box was so small, but I disregarded it. I wasn't really in the mood to eat too much now.

I poured the rice, grilled broccoli, and grilled chicken combo onto a small white glass plate and stirred it around quickly. I place the plate in the little microwave and set it to one minute. I wasn't even going to try and do something under the time limit, my leg was hurting too much just standing there. I looked at Ponyboy and Two-Bit who were watching their TV show, Mickey Mouse, obviously. 

After the minute was up, I pulled the hot plate into my hands and placed it on the counter, grabbing a fork. I picked it up and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to Ponyboy on the couch. I know, I should be using chopsticks, but I was not about to fight with chopsticks to eat right now. I am starving. 

I began eating, and even though it was Darry's leftovers, it was good. Maybe its because I haven't eaten in a while. I honestly don't remember the last time I have eaten. Maybe I have had the gum in the back of my dad's car, but that is really it. 

Just mint gum.

"Hey, Pony, have y'all not been eating much?" I randomly asked. Pony looked up from his book and at me. 

"Well, not really. Why?" Pony said, almost closing the book. His fingers were tangled between the pages. 

"Just wondering." I muttered. "I just found it odd how Darry didn't eat all his food- its not like him.".

"Yeah... I guess that is a way you can tell out eating habits." He whispered. "He has been anxious,   ya know? With everything going on; taking care of me and Soda, making sure the gang doesn't get jumped and or die, you being safe-". He paused and sighed. Two-Bit had already turned to face us, his cheeks red. 

"Dont worry, El. Now that you're back, there's no reason for Darry to worry about you being gone anymore." Two-Bit smirked at me, not a playful or evil smirk; just a genuine one. He cared about me- the whole gang did. 

"Where's Dally?" I asked. Pony looked at Two-Bit, him returning Pony's glances. 

"To be honest, I don't know." Pony said before Two-Bit cut him off.

"He stopped by early this morning to see you." He muttered. 

"And?" I asked, scraping the last of the rice onto the fork and placing it into my mouth. 

"I don't know. I wasn't here, and you weren't awake yet." Two-Bit said.

I should probably go see him. I mean, I bet he is blaming himself right now for what happened to me. I didn't want to go out of obligation, but out of genuinely wanting to see him. I wanted to be in his arms more than I wanted to be in that cold bed of mine.

The thing about Dallas is that, he can make anywhere feel like home. As long as Im with him. 

Is that what love feels like?


word count: 812

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