11 1 0

elsie lock

"roll credits." two-bit said, laughing as the movie ended. dallas had fallen asleep in his chair, johnny and pony were quietly talking. the boys got up and i walked over to dallas, rubbing my hand through his brown hair.
"wake up, dally." i whispered, rubbing my hand from his hair to his arm. he finally woke up, throwing his empty cup at me. i giggled, putting my arms up in a sort of defense. dallas had grabbed my arms gently and put them down by my sides, leaning into me slowly and kissed my lips softly.

"come on, we gotta catch up with the others." he said, placing his hands on either side of my face. my hair had fallen over my shoulders and little strands were falling over his bigger hands.

we started wandering off the premise of the field. cars were driving around and others were walking off into the streets. dallas had locked his fingers in mine, he really knew how to please a girl; both romantically and sexually.

i pulled his hand up and kissed it carefully. we finally reached the fence we crawled under and two-bit was holding the fence up.
"hurry up you two. i can't hold this thing up forever." two said and i began crawling under the fence. as i stood up, dallas was already halfway under the fence. luckily two-bit hadn't seen me holding dallas' hand or kiss him.

pony and johnny were walking together at the front of us. we were following them at that point. i could barely hear them, but what i did hear was them talking about the movie.

"let's get home before darry ends all of us." soda said, smacking steve on the back. those two were definitely friend goals. i had always wished to have a friendship like his and steve, or johnny and pony.

we were walking together near the park. i hadn't been here since the rape. i didn't think i'd want to be here, especially where it happened specifically.

we kept hearing cars drive by. it wasn't just one car either, it was multiple. three at least. i looked over and saw the all-too-familiar blue mustang.

"stay close, el." dallas put his arm around me, pulling me close. i saw soda grab pony's shoulder and whisper something to him. pony and i made eye contact for a split second before he went forward again, pushing johnny with him.

"look who it is." gavin poked his head out of the drivers side window. i tried to ignore him; pretend he wasn't there.

"leave, gavin." dallas said firmly. he was practically squeezing me against his arm. i knew he was just trying to protect me.

"awww why?" he said, stepping on the gas every time we would speed up. "your whore over there should go back to the park. maybe she will have another good time.".

"good time?" dallas said, holding back throwing punches.

"yeah, i mean the little slut let it happen." you know in movies when the main character is about to snap, and the most recent sentence replays in their head before they've had enough? yeah, that's what happened. i was burning up. i could feel steam coming out of my ears and my face turning red as blood.

"good time? a GOOD TIME?" i started, stopping and releasing myself from dallas' grasp. "that was no good time. i did not let it happen. you MADE it happen. you decided to pin me down. you decided to make me drink what was left in the little flask of yours. you were so rough with me i bled. you punched me to knock me out so i wouldn't be fighting back against you. THATS not letting it happen. that's rape. you're a CREEP. you're a PERVERT. go to hell.".

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