Im a titan??

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I wake up to levi blowing air in my face, "what do you want levi" I say with my morning attitude he looks at me and smiles "good morning sunshine" my eyes open wide with a shocked expression "did you just say sunshine?" He laughs, gets up and gets ready. "Levi what are we doing today?" I ask with a smile. "Well shorty where going to go on a mission for some odd reason the Titans are coming a little to close to the walls, we aren't sure why but we have to kill as many as we can" ,just as Levi finished his sentence a siren began to sound he looks outside his window and begins to hurry to finish getting ready.
"Brat let's go this seems serious" ,"yes levi" I begin to get ready and throw my hair up in a tight pony tail,he grabs my hand and walks towards the door. We begin to run towards the exit as we where stopped my Mikasa "Titans are stacking up on each other and creating a mountain if they continue to do this they will begging to fall over the wall" she says nervously . My heart sank as I pictured the terrifying imagine in my head. "Where is eren?" levi asks , "he's outside waiting for your signal to turn into a titan" Mikasa says . levi let's go of my hand and signals me to follow him. We finally make it outside and all of the survey corps is lined up ready to engage in battle when signaled to do so. I run up to eren and see him speaking to jean and Connie "hey (Y/N) we haven't used our ODM gear to make it up we don't know how bad it is yet,only Erwin knows what's outside the walls awaiting for us" eren says . "Fuck I hope it isint bad" jeans replies . "Everyone listen up stay together and kill as many Titans as you can ,eren do not turn until we tell you to turn or until you feel it's necessary." Levi says out loud. I grapple towards the wall running up to make it to the top everyone follows along. Right when I reach the top my heart sinks as I see a titan staring at me ready to launch at me,it launches at me . Eren comes from behind and slices it's nape it falls to its death on the other side of the wall ,our side.  I see a mountain of Titans fighting to make it to the top I haven't seen such a terrible image in a while. I begging to slice Titans nape one by one as they stumble back down. Theirs about 30 of us killing Titans but it's not enough to the massive mountain the have created . "Levi why is their so many of them ,why are they doing this?!" I scream .Levi comes near me and says "apparently they where summoned here or called here the only other option left is we over populated and they can smell our blood from outside the wall .
I almost threw up in my mouth as I saw the Titans underneath me rip each other limbs off viciously trying to get to the top.

Wait are those "abnormal Titans crawling to the top" I scream at the top of my lungs as they lunged to eat anything in their way Cadets begin to die . I swing back down and try to save as many as I can ,One, two ,three ,four ,five, six ,seven, eight,Titans I begin to count how many I can kill . Just as I was feeling good about myself I see armin facing the opposite direction of a abnormal that's charging at him. I use Levi's favorite combo and fidget spin towards the abnormal I slice it's nape in half. Armin thanks me and continues to fight. I see another abnormal approaching me so I grapple my hooks to its back just as I was going to slice it another abnormal comes from the side and grabs me . "Fuck put me down you ugly peice of shit I yell" it puts me in it's mouth and bites my legs off . I begin to scream in agonizing pain . It swallows me I feel myself getting light headed and everything goes dark. I open my eyes and see myself in a field with Beautiful green grass. What is this I ask myself I see my mom and dad walk towards me and pick me up " it's not your time yet, we love you so much and miss you everyday but it's not your time." I begin to cry and hug them tightly I feel another pair of hands hug me warmly from the back. It's my brother he soon releases me and touches my head. I wake up and see pitch black I'm at the bottom of the wall and see the mountain of Titans Infront of me but they are ignoring me why. I begin to stand up and place my hands on the floor when I take a look at them they are huge. I panic and stand up quickly I see a abnormal pass right by it's a 15 meter abnormal but why is it so much smaller .... I look at my feet and legs and see my titan form . I'm a fucking titan I feel a small pinch on my back then on my shoulder . "(Y/N)!"I look down at my shoulder and see eren completely shocked . "Can you hear me it's me eren please don't loose control i know your in their i love you" those words make my heart sink and I look up to see all the cadets hovering over me since I'm so huge. I can't measure myself but I stand about a incredible 25 meters tall. Maybe I'm wrong and I'm 20. I see levi fighting Titans but as soon as he turns around he sees the biggest titan he's seen in a while his eyes filled with horror he screams something at eren and it's like he was right near my ear "eren get the fuck away from that beast , stop trying to get yourself killed". "It's (Y/N) captain levi she's scared I don't think she knew she was a titan shifter" Levi's eyes opened wide and lands on my shoulder. "(Y/N) is it really you" I pick my hand up to touch levi just as I was going to touch captain Levi a cadet slashes my finger off I begging to screech loudly and eren and Levi jump off . RAGE I begin to look for the cadet who slashed my finger but they all look the same I let anger fill me and I start smashing everything in my way. "Stop it brat your going to get us killed relax take a deep breath I love you (Y/N)  im sorry I failed this time" I relax and listen to everything levi has to say "I don't know how your titan form works and I've never seen something like it but we need your help do you think your capable of killing Titans" I nod my huge head signaling yes "stay alive brat or will captain Levi have to save your ass again" he laughed . I begin to grab Titans by their head and smash their skull with one hand I can fit 2 Titans in one hand and I'm
Strong enough to squeeze their heads off . I climb to the top and start bitting napes off one by one they slowly fall to their deaths . Everyone sits back shocked as I viciously kill them on by one the Titans take notice and begin to attack me . I feel pain all over my body as they bite pieces of me. My body begins to crystallize and I proceed to kill again now they can't hurt me every time they lunge at me to bite their teeth breaks in pieces. We got the mountain almost halfway down and now it's easy from here ,30 minutes in of me murdering them their are no more left. My body feels weak I begin to loose eyesight then faint .

Why me? (Levixreaderxerenxjean)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें