The Mission

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I see all of the 104th Corp lined up ready to battle. "Everyone our main mission is to get back safe ,stay together and don't get yourself killed" levi says "(y/N) your going to change positions and ride beside me ". I blush and move my horse toward Levi, he looks at me and smiles.we take off and ride all day  until we see a lake ."we are near the body of water if it is as Hanji says we will be their soon". We finally arrive ,Everyone begins to hop of their horses and head toward the building. levi grabs my hand and twirls me too him . "Brat I better not see no funny business"he says proceeding to smack my ass.  "Ouch what the hell levi" he walks inside and smiles. I follow along and see 4 cadets walking over to levi "captain we found some alcoholic drinks well not some a lot" they show Levi boxes of alcohol. "We cannot drink we have to wake up as soon as the sun comes out and continue our mission" levi says giving a death glare to the man who asked. Everyone  sighs and puts the drinks down. I walk up to the scene pick up a bottle and chug it . Levi's eyes widen and takes the bottle away from me . "What do you think your doing cadet" having fun, we are safe the building is well hidden their are no signs of Titans and I think we deserve a drink or 2"I say. levi growls and everyone begins to cheer and clap " fine go ahead knock yourself out but if you don't wake up tomorrow your head is mine" after a couple of drinks I begin to share laughs with everyone also talking here dancing their I was feeling amazing like the world was finally a happy place not filled with misery . 4 hours later I begin to feel my body get heavy fuck I'm drunk I think to myself, I walk towards Mikasa,eren,armin,Connie and sasha I throw myself to hug Mikasa telling her she's the best cadet their has ever been on the face of the planet. She begins to smile and hugs me back. Eren rolls his eyes and walks away "hey erreeen why do youuu hate me so muchhh" I say drunk. He walks up to me and grabs my face Infront of everyone,he squeezes it angrily and let's go . He continues to walk away and everyone is now left staring at me hard. "I don't know what his problem is (y/n) but i suggest ignoring him. "Fine" I say angrily but drunk. I begin to walk to the rooms upstairs since I know I'm drunk as hell, I enter a random room and see how dusty and abandoned the rooms where ewwww ima have to sleep here?.I walk out looking room per room to see which one is less dirty,after a while of opening doors i find one that has a beautiful window with no curtains this will help me wake up when the sun comes out even if I wake up with a hangover perfect!. I walk towards the window and open it when I look up their are hundred of stars I feel like I'm in heaven this is gorgeous,I sit down and admire the starts for about 5-10 minutes Until someone swings the door open. "Who the fuck is that"I say with a growl when I turn around I see a cadet named Fran I think that's what his name was,? he walks towards me and begins to compliment the way I appear. "You are just one gorgeous chick always surrounded by men right ,do they all touch you." He says pervertedly . "Get the fuck out I'm drunk but I'll fuck your shit up" I say growling. "Is that so , you seem like a easy target look at you already drunk who would believe you"?. I begin to step away when I notice he's also drunk. He walks towards me and corners me toward the window I see a pocket knife in his belt so I automatically get a little more scared to run away I don't want to die just yet. He touches my hair and says "what beautiful hair you have here what a shame it took me this long to touch it". He grabs me from the hand and shoves me to the nearest bed. Is this actually happening am I going to get raped... why can't I move why am I feeling this way,I should have listened to levi, a part of me wanted to scream his name so bad,just cry in his shoulders and never leave his side. I'm a idiot who told me to get drunk I don't think the same I can't move the same. He rips my white shirt and all the buttons rip off I am now left with only my bra. I begin to scream and he covers my mouth now holding the knife in his hand he puts it toward my throat. "Would you like to die?, that's what I thought keep your mouth shut."  I can't scream I can't move all I can do is cry,Until someone walks in. I'm in tears crying I don't acknowledge to look over all I'm thinking at the moment is something worst is going to happen. Fran takes his hands off me and starts stepping back, "captain it's not what it looks like she wanted me to get onto her she's freaky". "Thc" levi says. I watch levi walk closer to the guy holding the pocket knife "the knife hand it over". As soon as levi says that eren and Mikasa walk in. "What the hell is going on" eren says. He sees me on the bed with my tits out and runs towards me. "Stay away from her Yeager I will rip your eyeballs off if I see you get anywhere near her"Levi growls. Fran begins to swing the knife at levi, "stay away I don't want to go to jail I would rather die trying to run away." "Seems like something only a idiot would say". Levi begins to charge towards the guy aggressively and kicks the knife out of his hand,he then kicks him on the top of the head and punches him on the face. Fran falls un conscience, "Eren and Mikasa get out for now you can see her when the sun rises". They walk away and Levi walks towards me "what did that crazy bastard do to you". "Nothing levi he didn't get far I most likely would have turned into my titan form to kill him but I would also kill everyone in this building so I would have thought about something who knows,or maybe just maybe I would have gotten raped". Levi takes his shirt off and continues to take the rest of my shirt off "here wear this brat". I stare at his beautiful smooth body with all the ab markings. I almost just got raped but something in me wanted levi to fuck me. I'm just drunk let me go to bed and deal with all this tomorrow. Levi grabs some covers and jumps on the bed with me he begins to stroke my hair and that just knocks me out.

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