Welcome cadet

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Erens speech motivated a lot of us in the 104th training corps ,one of them was me but nobody knows . I always peeped that eren and mikasa stayed together which made me jealous because I never had that bond with anyone .My name is (y/n) and I have always detested Titans, They took away my freedom and killed my family I will never let the world know the pain I went through.

I made my way to the cafeteria after training I quickly grabbed my trey and took a seat alone . I'm new and don't know many people I've only glanced once in a while to read everyone and see who I'm going to be training against . Im very talented in many ways ,when my family was killed I trained as a way to ease my pain .
As I was eating someone crept up on me and touched my shoulder, I turned around to see a boy with Beautiful green eyes and a boy with Beautiful blonde hair . "Hi my name is eren and this is armin would you mind if we sat with you ?" I was shocked when I finally realized who was speaking to me. I proceeded to take my feet off of the seat to make space for them to sit . I finally spoke snd introduced myself "my name is (y/n) " . Eren stared at me for a couple of seconds that felt  like eternity, armin smacked him on his thigh sort of bringing him back to reality. "I'm sorry I gazed off their for a second ,your just very pretty and I see you have a marking on the side of your ear and it caught my attention as well " eren said . "Ohhh that silly thing hahah When I was little me and my... " I stopped almost bursting out in tears when memories flooded my brain ,but I'm stronger than that so I caught myself, gathered my emotions and turned back to normal . "Um excuse me I almost coughed ,anyway back to what I was saying me and my brother made a design with a metal stick and as a resemblance of our strong bond we heated it up and pressed it like a marking " I said . Eren looked shocked as to what I said "wow that's actually pretty cool , I also have someone very close to me her name is mikasa she's like my sister by the way she would never Agree to something like that you sound like a cool sister!" Eren said .
My face turned a light shade of pink and armin smiled at me along with eren . Soon someone else joined us ,she sat down and introduced herself as mikasa . She told eren how she made some friends their names where sasha,Ymir,krista,Annie . She then proceeded to ask who I was and why was I sitting with them. I went ahead and introduce myself and just like Eren she pointed out the marking on my ear , but this time Eren took over and explained the story for me. I felt a slight relief and I believe he caught on to the fact that that question sort of triggered sadness in a weird way, I liked it .
Dinner is now over and everyone starts heading to their rooms, everyone had a separate room but the rooms were right next to each other. I always enjoyed the smell of chemicals good smelling chemicals obviously , but the rooms had a weird smell to them. When everyone was asleep I remembered someone saying captain Levi had a cleaning addiction and the stench was starting to get to me.
I made my way out of my room and headed towards where Levi's office was . I knocked softly waiting for an answer but nobody said anything so I just assumed he was asleep. I begin to walk away when I suddenly heard "state your name " ....

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