Will they kill me or not

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I wake up in the court room as everyone Sits in silence. They aren't loud the way they were when Eren was in trail. Levi is Infront of me but doesn't seem to want to look me in the eyes ,a tear drops from him face as he picks his legs up and kicks me  ,it all went numb from their i woke up in the infirmary bruised up nobody was in the room. Am I alone now will I be judged differently since I'm bigger just as I thought that Erwin enters the room . "(Y/N) how are you feeling?" "I'm okay I guess" I reply. "You are safe now nobody will hurt you, everyone saw you where no threat to us but the court doesn't know this ,all of your team fought hard to make sure they didn't kill you. Nobody is allowed to see you until you awoke. Which you did so now I can allow visit ,I wanted to make sure one last time you we're safe before allowing the public to come visit." Hange enters the room interrupting what Erwin was saying . "You are fucking hugeeeeeee you stand a astronomical size of 27 meters tall erens titan form is 15 meters tall that's a huge difference ,that's a whole 12 meters taller (Y/N) do you realize how cool and how much we can use you to learn more about titan shifters . "Shutup four eyes get out of the room" a stale voice says entering the room "you too erwin I need time alone with her" Erwin stands up and leaves the room. Hange does the same . "Please forgive me brat I'm sorry" I feel a weird hate towards Levi for beating me but it's not his fault. "Levi you could have stood up for me and said no,everyone was a witness even commander Erwin for fuck sales even hange and the own dam titan shifter himself". "I know I won't ever forgive myself for what I did just like you won't be able to forgive me" "levi leave me alone for a while I thought you would put up a fight for me....". I could see the sadness in Levi's eyes but I was still in pain because of the beating." Levi walks up to me and gives me a passionate kiss on the head then walks out the room. I lay back down as I see steam leaving my body I grab the nearest mirror and see my lumps go away quickly. Eren and jean walk in the room "(y/n) your a fucking badasss your even cooler than eren" jean says eren sighs and agrees. Thank you I say , eren walks towards me and gives me a huge hug. Jean looks at eren and blushes ,he walks up to me pushes eren off and give me a even tighter hug "im glad your alive" . Erens eyes shrink in anger but won't show it . "So (Y/N) are we going to battle along side each other now?" eren says with a huge smile I get up from the bed and stand Infront of the 2 guys. "Your so tiny why is your titan form taller than mine?" I punch eren in the shoulder "this is not the time for you to compare our height eren" jean laughs and walks out the room I follow along so does eren.
I take a bite from my bread and begin to stare at jeans plate he never finished his food 🍲. Im sitting at the table with eren,mikas,Annie,Reiner,sasha,Connie ,armin and jean ,and a couple of other people but you get the idea. I walk over to jean and grab his crackers " HEY I WAS GOING TO EAT THAT (Y/N)" too bad he gets up and I begin to run because I know he's serious and he will take his crackers back. He starts chasing me around the cafeteria as I munch on the crackers "STOP IT (Y/N) I'm being serious GOODAMITT" . I finally come to a stop when only the wrapper is left I look at him and apologize , "how are you going to apologize when you clearly purposely ran away?" Jean says "to be honest I don't know" he looks at me smiles and walks away " you win this time" we walk back to the table and take a seat . "We have a mission coming up in 2 days" armin says "oooo I wonder if they will allow (Y/N) to titan shift your titan form is so cool" sasha says "well thank you" I reply . We all crack jokes for a while untill Levi walks in the room and everything goes silent . "Good morning everyone as you all know we have a mission 2 days from now the mission is riding east,Hanji has been doing some research and believes there is a body of water , but the mission won't be so easy. We are going to be entering titan territory before we can make it to the water, we believe Titans dislike water large amounts of water. Everyone enjoy these last 2 days we have left we will be gone for a couple of days." Levi walks out the room and everyone begins to whisper . "Eren and (Y/N) did you hear that you guys might need to engage in combat in your titan forms." Mikasa says me and eren glance at each other knowing we are both ready . Breakfast is over and we make our way to training me and eren got split from the rest of the group to train with Hanji,erwin,Levi . "My two favorite titan shifter come here!" Hanji greets us with a huge hug and takes us to the middle of the field. "(Y/N) how did you transform the day of the mission?" "Hanji I honestly don't know I got eaten by a titan and next think you know I was a titan". I didn't want to mention the part of me having that dream with my family . She smiles and asks if I'm willing to transform here right now . I give her a nod and look at eren comfused. "Eren you bite your hand to transform?" I ask . "Yes I do" he walks over to me and grabs my hand ,I could feel 6 pairs of eyes glaring at me 2 arent so happy 1 is excited for dear life. He shows me how to do it and walks away once he sees I got it . "Here goes nothing" I bite my lip instead of hitting my hand and BOOM💥 next thing you know I'm 27 Meters up in the air. I look down at everyone and they all seemed shocked , I begin to see people arrive that are not supposed to be there. The same people from the table at breakfast "wow that's fucking sick someone says" Hanji signals eren to turn . Eren turns into his titan form and stands beside me I pet eren in the head and he snaps at me I laugh in the inside seeing how tiny he looks. Hanji flys up to us and asks us to punch each other almost like boxing. We both agree and turn around to face each other. Eren puts his hands up signaling me to punch I ball my fists up and swing . Not realizing how strong I actually am because of my size eren gets pushed back a couple of feet . "Leviiiiiiii are you watching this she has some power to her" even doe I'm far up my senses are 10 times stronger so I can see him roll his eyes. Eren charges at me and tackles me to my ass the ground shakes like a earthquake. I look at eren in disbelief pick him up and tackle him to the ground we continue to fight not knowing if it's serious or if we are playing since our titan form physically shows no emotion. Levi shoots up and lands on my shoulder "cut it out brat" he says . He's probably jelly ughh Levi  "I'm mad at you can't you understand I love you so much but you hurt me" eren sits still and I can't seem to understand why he stopped fighting when I look at Levi his face looks terrified. Im still confused as of to why everyone stopped moving what did I do it's like you can .... Oh shit what if they can hear me .... "Hanji shoots up and says "ohhh I get it now you are the lovebirds cut (Y/N) out of their Levi I'll cut eren out" levi slices my neck but can't seem to get me out. "Her neck is hardened I can't cut with my blades brat stop hardening.  Levi tried a couple of more times but the blades won't cut I try hard to rip myself off untill I rip off and my nape opened for me to step out I step out and just as the light hits me I pass out and start falling 27 meters down. Levi hurried and catches me mid air and puts me down. "Brat I hope you know what you just did you just confessed your love for me Infront of everyone....my heart sank

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