K.TH - Needed Love

Start from the beginning

It was 8:37 right now and I was feeling really unsafe . I felt like someone was in my apartment with me and that they are watching my every move . I quickly rushed to my bedroom feeling scared . I suddenly felt a hand on my mouth stopping me from screaming . The person quickly put a napkin on my mouth and everything went black.

Taehyung POV

I've been following Noona for a few days now . I can tell that she knew something was wrong . I never want her to be afraid of me . I just kept on following her everyday . I've already killed every boy which gives dirty looks at her . I don't want her to have a bad life where some rapists or playboys ruin her life .

Today was the day I finally reveal myself to Noona . I went to her house and I could see her looking around . It was pretty obvious to her that she wasn't alone . But I would never hurt her , I just can't . She's my only family and I'm craving for love . I've always wanted a big sister who can take care of me .

I saw her run to her room . I took a deep breath and entered the dark room. I saw her shivering while wrapped around in a blanket. I slowly put my big hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming as I dug in my pocket and got out a cloth and put it on her mouth and nose causing her to lose consciousness.

Time Skip


I woke up in a dark but luxurious black bedroom . It looked really expensive . I realised I wasn't tied and there wasn't a single scratch on my body . Strange . I know I did nothing wrong but I was still scared as hell . The room had a scary and dark aura . I was about to get up from the bed when the door opened revealing a young and handsome man .

He had an intimidating aura but soft eyes . They looked a little familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was . He came closer to me who has sitting on the bed making me move back .

?? : Hey hey relax , I'm not going to hurt you

Y/N : W-why am I here ?

?? : I'll tell you but please promise me that you won't leave me

Y/N : Why would I stay with a psycho like you?!?

Those words just slipped out of my mouth , I never meant to say it . Suddenly I saw him eyes tear up and he fell on his knees

Taehyung POV

Every word of her sentence hurt me . I felt my tears flowing down my face . I couldn't help it . I fell on my knees in front of her and started sobbing lightly .

Taehyung : P-p-please N-Noona d-d-don't s-say that . P-please , y-you are the o-only person I-I h-h-have left . A-all I-I want is l-love . I-is that really so much t-to a-ask for?

I looked at her with my teary eyes and her eyes soften


He looked at me with his teary eyes , I saw a small innocent boy in them . I knew he wasn't a psycho . I immediately hugged him and put his head on my chest . He just kept sobbing making me feel guilty .

Y/N : shhh it's ok sweetheart, I'm sorry , i didn't mean anything that I said .

?? : R-really ? *sniff* y-you d-dont see me as a p-psycho?

Y/N : *giggle* No , just a little boy in need of love and care .

I said while caressing his smooth hair . He looked at me with a small hint of happiness in his eyes.

?? : R-really Noona? Thank you

Y/N : *chuckle* You're welcome but can you tell me why you called me Noona and why you kidnapped me?

?? : N-Noona I-I'm T-T-Taehyung

As soon as I heard that my world stopped . I couldn't believe it . I hugged him tighter and started crying .

Y/N : Y-you are really my TaeTae?

Taehyung : Yes Noona I-I miss yo-you so much

Y/N : I missed you too baby , I'm so happy to see you again .

I lifted his chin and kissed his forehead while caressing his bread cheeks .

Y/N : You've grown up so much . So handsome and cute .

Taehyung : And You're so Pwetty Noona . The prettiest Noona Ever

I giggled hearing his baby talks . He was adorable . You were happy to meet him again .

Y/N : I love you and I promise to be the best sister for you

Taehyung : You alweady are da best

He said kissing your cheek making you giggle .

Taehyung : Noona let's go eat dinner Okie?

Y/N : Ok

Taehyung dragged me to the kitchen which was huge . He took out some ramen and looked at it confused .

Y/N : You don't know how to cook do you?

Taehyung shook his head as a no . I chuckled

Y/N : Then how do you feed yourself everyday?

Taehyung : *pout* I order takeout .

Y/N : Aishh you know that isn't healthy right ?

Taehyung : Sowwy noonaaa , but now you'll cook for me right?

He asked you with sparkling eyes

Y/N : *giggle* sure . Now go sit down , I'll prepare some ramen .

Taehyung : Okieeeeee

The End

Onion haseyo , how was the chap? I tried to make Y/N guilty for once but I suck at it lmao . Requests are still open .

Vote or I'll Steal your Lachimolala

Word count : 1640

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