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A/N: holy shit, after a month I'm back lmao

thanks for putting up with my awful updating schedules

anywaysss have an incredible day and enjoy the chapter :)

(a bit of a filler chapter lol, ik they kinda suck but tis important for the story. also, tony and steve being dads which is the greatest thing ever. okay imma go now lol byeeeeee)

Y/N's POV~

With a dizzy flash of light, you finally land back on Earth, Loki's arms wrapped tightly around you. Both of your clothes had transformed into regular, Midgardian clothing.

Or at least, yours was. Loki was dressed head to toe in a fully black suit. It was undeniably handsome on him, but probably not the most casual thing in the world.

You laugh. "Why are you dressed like a witch?"

"Hey!" He steps away from you, scowling.

You brush the shoulder of his suit, smoothing out the fabric. "I'm kidding. It looks good."

He smiles up at you as he places his hands on your waist, drawing you closer as he presses a kiss to your lips. You smile through the kiss, pulling away as you stare back up at him.

"Come on, Loki. I want to see my friends again."

He grins down at you, taking one of your hands in his. "As you wish."

You lead him up to the Avengers tower, eager to tell everyone about your adventures on Asgard. But Loki froze, a nervous look on his face.

"What's up?" You look up at him, concerned.

He changes his expression immediately as he looks back down to you. "Oh, nothing. It's just that I didn't exactly get off on the best foot with the Avengers the last time they saw me."

You furrow your eyebrows as you realise he was right. "It's okay Loki. It'll take them some time to get used to having you around, but it was never your fault and if they won't let you stay, then I'm not staying either. I'll convince them that you're okay."

He smiled worriedly but nodded. You give him the most comforting smile you could as you enter the building.

The elevator door opens to the main floor, where Nat, Steve and Tony stood in the kitchen. Their eyes immediately went to you as you emerged from the elevator, followed by Loki.

"Y/N!" Nat yells as she runs up to you, wrapping her arms around you. You return the hug, having missing your best friend and basically sister for a really long time. 

That was when Tony and Steve came up to you, a concerned look on their faces. 

"What's he doing here?" Tony asked bitterly.

"Hello to you too," you deadpanned.

"I'm happy to see you Y/N, but I don't think I'm happy to see him." Steve said, a little bit nicer than Tony but harsh nonetheless.

"Especially after he tried to kill our asses," Tony adds. Nat just stood by your side, not saying anything.

Loki looks towards the ground, fiddling with his hands rather nervously. You stepped closer to him, upset that both of your father figures didn't even give you a chance to explain. You intertwined your fingers with his as he looked down at you with a sad smile. 

Steve and Tony's expressions changed as they realised what was going on.

"Don't tell me-"

"You guys are not-"

They spoke at the same time, slowly looking towards each other before looking at you, a confused yet shocked expression on both of their faces.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend. And no, he hasn't and isn't controlling my mind." You add the latter after Tony opened his mouth as if to say something, and he quickly shut it again. 

"Do you know what he's done, Y/N? How many people he's killed?"

Loki's hand grips yours tighter as he stares at the ground. It may have been subtle, but you could see the flash of disappointment in his face as Tony reprimanded you.

"Tony, I've made my decision and I don't care about any of that. He's the sweetest, most thoughtful and honest person I've ever met and no matter what anyone says he's good. And if I'm to stay, he is too. Especially since we both likely will never get into Asgard again."

"What?" This time Steve cuts in, also confused and concerned.

Nat steps in front of you with a sigh, having stayed silent for too long. "Look, Y/N's home after quite a long time. And she has a boyfriend. So instead of being a pair of disapproving dad's, be her close friends who will support her no matter what. Like me." She links her arm through yours and you look at her with a smile.

Steve nods sheepishly, staring at the ground. Tony sighs. "Fine, Reindeer Games can stay. But I'm doing this for you only, Y/N, not him."

You sigh. That was the best you were probably getting, and now Loki could stay with you. You smile as you run up to the two Avengers, wrapping your arms around the both of them.

"It's good to see you guys," you say as Steve pats you on the back.

"We missed you." He says as you pull away.

"I missed you guys too. Now, where is everybody?"

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