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After you had calmed yourself down, you found a servant that directed you to your designated room, just as Frigga had instructed. You walk into the room, suddenly taken aback by how elegant and fancy it was. In the middle laid a gold four-poster bed, with a flowy golden canopy draped around the sides. There was a bookshelf in the right hand corner, each book with a title written in a language you didn't understand, but you knew you would try and read them anyway. You step onto the soft, plush rug as it cushioned every step you took. Eyeing the door in the other corner, you open it to find a large bathroom, complete with a shower and a huge bath. You desperately needed a shower, your knuckles were starting to ache again and you were covered in all sorts of gross shit from the battle. You switch on the hot water, gladly letting steam fill the entire room before entering the shower.

Your mind unconsciously drifted to your earlier conversation. You had met Loki, the prince of Asgard. His presence should have scared you, or at the very least drawn a more cautious response from you. But oddly enough, you weren't scared. His presence calmed you more than anything, with his dry humor and the small smirks he gave whenever you made a sarcastic comment. Besides, you had heard he was mind controlled when that whole thing went down in New York. You weren't one to hold grudges, especially after everything you'd- well, thought you'd done. You understood better than anyone what it was like to make mistakes.

With that thought, your mind then drifted to the other significant conversation of the day. So many bombshells had been dropped, and your entire life had been a lie. Every birthday, every dinner, every single moment with your parents was merely an illusion. They never existed. And all that grieving you had done. You had beaten yourself up for years after thinking you had killed your parents. You thought you were the worst person in the entire world. Who'd just murder the people they love like that? But it was all for nothing. Almost every moment in your entire life as for nothing.

The hot water runs over your clenched fists as you sigh, your mind still a haze. You had no idea what was going to happen now.


The bed was the most comfortable thing you had ever slept on in your entire life. So comfortable, you slept almost through the entire morning, groaning when a knock on the door woke you.

You climb out of bed, trying to fix your bed-tousled hair before people had to see you. Yawning, you open the door to find a guard standing there.

"Good morning, Y/N. Queen Frigga wishes to see you in the dining hall for breakfast. After you change, my fellow guards and I can show you the way." He gestures to a wardrobe you hadn't bothered to notice before as you nod sleepily.

Opening the wardrobe, you realise that Asgardian fashion was quite different from your usual style on Earth. Most of he casual options consisted of robe-style outfits, similar to the one Loki had worn, but more tight-fitting. What wasn't a robe looked like a gown made for a princess. Each garment consisted of the softest fabric, embellished with gold, navy and green.

Choosing a random robe, you slip it on, not wanting to keep Frigga waiting. The guards escorted you to the dining hall, where she sat.

"Ah, Y/N! Lovely to see you again," she smiled, waving you over. "My sons will be joining us soon, but they had some matters to attend to." You unconsciously smiled at the thought of seeing Loki again. He intrigued you, and you wanted to get to know him. "Anyways, I wanted to discuss the matter of the future, and what that intends for you."

"I was wondering the same thing myself," you laugh nervously, rubbing the back of your neck.

"Well, considering how great of an honor it is to have a ljós warrior in our presence, it is of course a given that you must stay and learn the ways of your people. My sons can train you, Loki is mastered at magic and sorcery, and Thor certainly knows his way around a battlefield. You can stay here and fight for Asgard."

You swallow, shocked at her offer. She was offering you a new home, a chance to control your powers and use them for good. You had a chance at redemption, of living the life you were supposed to live, without any lies or mystery. But you had friends back home. you had the Avengers, who had taken you in without a second thought during your toughest moments. It would be hard to just leave that all behind.

You told her your concerns, and she smiled. "You are welcome to visit Midgard whenever you wish, my dear. I would want to do the same. I have already talked to my husband, and while he was skeptical, being the stubborn man that he is, the thought of having an ljós warrior protecting Asgard intrigued him too much not to let you stay."

You nod, slowly, finally realising the full scale of what she was offering you. There was no way you'd turn down the chance to start your new life.

"Lady Y/N? What are you doing here?" You turn to see Thor entering the hall, Loki behind him. He gave you a small smile before sitting down next to his mother.

"Y/N is staying in Asgard. I've volunteered the both of you to help her learn magic and combat skills."

Thor grinned. "How wonderful! I look forward to teaching you everything I know." You chuckle at Thor's enthusiasm as he took his place on the opposite side of his mother. Loki remained silent, glancing your way every now and then. Frigga informed you that your training would start the next day, and a lady named Sif would take you on a tour around the palace before then. You nod your thanks before leaving the table.

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