18. Remain Calm

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Bihai Changlin

Fengjiu and Donghua spend their last three days at Bihai Changlin before their heading to Qing Qiu. Donghua himself already sending missive to let her family know they will come back soon to held their wedding ceremony, along with Zhonglin he already inform him to come to Qing Qiu after they arrival. Zhonglin is Donghua trusted retainer and had done his job best, he will assist Qing QIu in holding Dijun wedding day.

“Where do you want to stay after the wedding Jiu’er?”

“What do you mean Dijun?”

“You are now already an Immortal; you might want to stay at Qing Qiu to rule your land.”

“Oh it’s been handle very well now without me, Do you think they will let me rule the land?”

“I bet they will little fox. Your aunty Bai Qian is going to be Tien Hou when Ye hua Become Tian Jun later, She can't hold two high position in one time, it will be chaos for her and Qing Qiu. You have learned to become a good leader all this time, you can rule the land on your own. It will help you to become a wiser ruler Jiu’er.”

“How about you Dijun? Where you plan to live?”

“I have retired all this years and while I’m on seclusion they can handle the matter of realm without my assist, so I guess I can have my leisure time spending around you my love one. I can live where you want to live little fox. For me being with you is what is call home”

Fengjiu is blushing hear the sweet words from Donghua.

“That's so sweet.
Well I think we can try to adjust our life when we back, I never think about it. All my life this time is having you as a center of my existence, so I never think of anything else.

You have been teaching me all the things I should learn to survive Dijun. So now you are asking me take the role as a ruler is way beyond of my imagination.

But with what you said about my aunty is totally right and I’m agree to it. Somehow I must ready to get back to my “normal” life.”

“So you mean?”

“Hmm I guess I can try to corporate with my family later to talk about this. But if you willing to stay with me than I guess I have no problem living anywhere” she smile at him.
“As long as I’m with you”

I want to stay by his side throughout anything Fengjiu said in her mind.

“Then we will stay at QingQiu or Taichen Palace for your routine activity and then one time a year we go to Bihai Changlin for seclusion, this will effectively help increase your cultivation for ascending High Goddess.

Since we already spend a while here, so maybe after the wedding ceremony we just spend time in Qing Qiu or Taichen Palace? Or you want to back here Jiu’er?”

“I have no issue for place Dijun, like I say before I stay where you stay”

“That’s not the point little fox. I’m talking about our honeymoon time”

“oh” Fengjiu suddenly blushing

“Do you want to spend it here or somewhere else? since we will need some privacy then. I was tought here is the best place, but I’m scared you will get bored here because you already spend hundred years here.”

“We can stay another month or years maybe. Or there is another place you want to visit Dijun?”

“I love serene place little fox so I love being at Taichen Palace or here. But I don’t mind accompany you at Qing Qiu.”

“Then it settles, we will spend our honeymoon time here before going back to Taichen Palace. You will adjust well Dijun with my family. They would love you like they love me for sure.

Donghua raise one of his eyebrow listen to her little fox words while in his mind said “Like really?” But he not saying a words he dosen’t want to create a fuss in his new family.

Qing Qiu

All families are gathering in main hall and Fengjiu mother and grandmother are busy preparing food for all family here. When Fengjiu arrive they all welcome her with a bright smile, but fast bow towards Donghua Dijun after all he is the Former Emperor even he is retired no one dare having a conflict with him.

But since he is going to marry their youngest Bai, their eventually had a higher position in family tree, yet no one dare to come across.

When Donghua Dijun announce himself no need for the casuality when he is in Qing Qiu, he will follow their custom and treat like a family. That’s when all the people who are gathering feel the joy and act casually. When they did that, the distance between them faded away.

Donghua found himself smile along while they chattering with his little fox, and they share all her crazy past about all the incredible things she done that sometimes amaze Donghua himself hearing for her mischievous act.

When Bai Zhi asked about how he will held the Wedding Ceremony Donghua say “I have no parents so I don’t know anything about the tradition to held. So if Bai Zhi Dijun doesn’t have any problem, the wedding will held according to Qing Qiu custom, Taichen Palace will assist in everything that needed. I will tell Zhong lin to assist in arrange the ceremony”

“We have no problem. The wedding will be written in history, since the person who will be married is none other than Donghua Dijun of course Qing Qiu will have the honor to held the wedding ceremony”

“Then I believe it will be on good hand” Donghua nod his head

“When will you hold the wedding ceremony Donghua Dijun?” Bai zhi ask

“I have count the date, and I think ten days from now will be the best day”

“Ten days?” Fengjiu startled “Isn’t it will be to fast Dijun, they are a lot of things to prepare”

“All your necessity is already set little fox, what left is for the little things. For the wedding gift, wedding dress, and all is already prepare.”

“Really? Why I never know?”

“Because I never tell”

“And why?”

“I want to surprise you little fox; I will show you later on”

Fengjiu mother than say “ We will having a party in ten days, I’m gonna be very busy. Now hurry let’s all eat so I can start the preparation for my daughter wedding “

With that they have a dinner together again. Ye hua look at Donghua Dijun in warm eyes like saying “welcome to the craziest yet most playful family in the realm”

Donghua find it weird that he can blend very well with her family and still calm with no pressure at all.

“Thank You for being so nice to my family Dijun”

“Little fox Thank You for giving me a place that calls family. I never had one, but staying here like I have my own family now”

“We are you family Dijun, and fox is very loyal to the family” she wink her eyes.

He smiles back at his love.

This time I will keep her save.

I will make sure everything is perfect.

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