11. Enlightment part I

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Out of my consciousness something is pulling me over the shadow. The moment I walk in the shadow slowly showing some colorful circle and one path that light so bright that pointed to somewhere. The circle is then forming a giant white door.

And when I walk through, the giant door open and inside there is a tunnel that had many doors left and right. Out of my curiosity I stop and see what is writing in the door, its turn out someone name is written on the door. There are never ending door to walk through when some voice is speaking loud and clear

" call out your name and your door will come next to you xiao ling" Donghua voice is echoing the hall.

I try to relax and take a deep breath, so after count to three I called out my name " Yin Ling Ling" The door at my right than shine and my name on it. And then I just push the door to open

"Congratulation the One and only red nine tailed fox is born, she looks so beautiful. The Peoples at Qing Qiu is sending their Congratulation for the first granddaughter of Bai family."

The whole family is rejoiced with the birth of This Red Nine Tailed fox

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The whole family is rejoiced with the birth of This Red Nine Tailed fox. Her father names her Bai Feng Jiu since she had this flower phoenix birthmark.

She grows up being spoiled by her aunty and uncle. While her father and mother is busy to rule for the Qing Qiu Kingdom. She like to running around in her fox form and facing much trouble that need to be solved mostly by her uncle or aunt.

Once she is running and fell into a snake pit thanks God Zhe Yan was passing through so he can save her, but then she develop trauma with snake.

When she 30.000 years old she is losing her way home from running around, then she facing a golden lion beast, scare of death she keep running to save her life, but once she almost bump a tree in front of her, a purple silhouette flying from the sky catch her in one arm on her waist while the other hand release a blast and throw the beast away. When they touch the ground she can't take her eyes off from this silver hair with purple robe and ethereal face.

 When they touch the ground she can't take her eyes off from this silver hair with purple robe and ethereal face

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