Chapter 8 The Aftermath

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Jungkook finally found his bag in the same room, and grab the Jeans and shirt, doing the same thing as Jimin did with his pants.

"Maybe we can put together a board out of the doors or something, use the robe to tied them up." Jungkook suggested while removing his towel getting completely naked right there in front of Jimin. He didn't feel bother by it, he figures that after what they been through, there was no longer need to hide their bodies. But Jimin seem to be uncomfortable, looking away from the alfas body, hoping he could leave the room. Jungkook notices Jimin's reaction, so he try to move faster and got dress quickly. After that moment they didn't talk much, they began to search for things that can help them build a boat or raft that can take them back to the beach.

Jimin was looking in the master room, removing the sheets they spend so many hours in them, to see if under the mattress could be boards they can use. When removing the sheets he saw blood stains in them. He knew those were coming from his body, wich reminds him of his awful true. That Jungkook knows he is an omega, but the worst part is that his dream of becoming a doctor were completely shaded. He will never be able to finish grad school now that his supervisor who turn out to be the alpha that took his virginity knows the true. He silently began to cry at the sight of his own shame on the covers.

"Jimin!" Yell Jungkook with excitement. Then he came down to show what he got so excited about. "Look what I found!" Showing Jimin a yellow plastic package. That moment Jungkook notices the tears on Jimin's eyes, he wanted to ask what was wrong, but Jimin brush them away like nothing was happening and simple ask.

"What's that?"

"This is another inflatable boat. I don't know why we didn't see this the first time, but it was next to the first one we used."

"Let's go upstairs and see if it works" say Jimin, ignoring the fact that his eyes were red  from crying. Jungkook didn't ask, even though he was dying to know what was wrong. But decided to give Jimin some space.

The boat worked great, in fact this one was a little bigger the the previous one, that give them chance to take some extra items with them back to the island. Jungkook wanted to make sure they take the sheets, he wanted the sheets. He miss sleeping under the softness and comfort of white linen. Jimin is going to have to wash them first, to remove all the fluids that were store in them, but he agree with the idea, along with shampoo and soap, lotions and towels, and even some chocolates and energy bars, crackers and a few unopened sodas. He also found his medical equipment and some over the counter medicine and antibiotics who jungkook decided it was important to take with them in case of an emergency. Then Jungkook saw a bottle of whiskey, without asking Jimin, he took that as well.

They were paddling back, this time been more careful no to go through the sharp rocks. It might take them a little longer to get to the beach but they didn't want to ruin this boat. On the way there, suddenly a small fin was heading their way. Jungkook immediately knew that was his new buddy the dolphin, and smile at the sight if him. He lean to the water to try to reach him. But Jimin thought that was a shark.

"What are you do in?" Ask Jimin scare. Seen Jungkook with his hand in the water calling for the animal.  "It's coming!" Say Jimin moving away from the side of the boat. Then suddenly the dolphin stick his head out, making Jimin jump in surprise. It took him two seconds to realize who Jungkook's new friend was. 

Jimin smile the moment he saw the beautiful creature. Jungkook looked at him, inviting him to come closer, which Jimin did.

"Give me your hand" ask Jungkook kindly. He didn't want to touch Jimin without his consent anymore. Jimin stand his hand to him, Jungkook took it and place it on the top of the dolphin's head so he could pet him. Jimin smile at Jungkook for the sweet gesture, that smile make Jungkook heart fill with warmth.

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