"Me. What kind of snacks do you want?" I ask, completely changing the subject. He raises an eyebrow.

"Ask me when we get you down stairs. Do you want me to carry you or do you want to try walking?" He asks. We have reached the stairs.

"Would you be okay to carry me? I'm sorry I just didn't realize how many of them there are and-" he cuts me off.

"I offered and it's no problem. Come here." He says patiently. He hooks his arms behind my legs and hoists me up so we're face to face. My head is just a little higher than his, it's weird to feel taller than him.

"Is this how you feel all the time? How do you stop yourself from kissing me?" I ask rhetorically. He actually chuckles.

"It is a challenge, believe me." He says. I giggle. I didn't even realize we were moving but now we're half way down the stairscase.

"Oh, poor baby. But I'm taking advantage of this." I say, kissing his forehead and cheeks. He smiles his 'small two way smirk' and I grin back at him.

"You're going to be the death of me." He states. I scoff.

"You can dish it out but you can't take it?" I tease. He tuts.

"I could drop you." He states. I laugh at that.

"We both know you won't." I taunt. He smirks and I feel his arms get looser. The second he does I panic and grip onto him very tightly with both of my arms and my legs. He's back to holding me tightly.

"Beloved, I can't see." He says calmly. I blink. I tilt myself back just a bit. Turns out we're already off the stairs.

"Sorry. But you almost dropped meee." I whine. He chuckles lowly.

"You dared me." He defends while setting me down. I remain leaning on him with an offended smile.

"I said you wouldn't do it." I state.

"I count that as a dare." He says nonchalantly. I scoff.

"Alright Daredevil, snacks?" I ask, referring to my earlier question.

"I'm not hungry, what do you want?" He asks back.

"I'm in the mood for something sweet." I state.

"Self-canabolism is frowned upon in this family." He says back. Self what? Oh. Oh!

"Says the flirt." I speak confidently.

"I'm the son of Batman and the hier to the league of assassins. I'm not sweet." He huffs in denial.

"Dami, you memorized the way I make my tea and you brought me my pillow. You picked out my favorite PJs and you're letting me use you as a crutch. You're practically dripping honey, babe." I state. He scoffs but doesn't deny it.

"Will chocolate satisfy your sweet tooth?" He asks instead.

"The monster could be satiated with a milk chocolate bar." I say childishly. We head to the kitchen, slower than I would have liked.

I lean on the counter while he rifles through the cubards. I'm content just watching him. I didn't realize how tired just walking could make me. The kitchen door opens beside me.

"Oh hey guys. Cora, you're up?" I hear  Jasey as he comes in.

"Yeah. I was getting cabin fever sitting in bed all day." I say, remembering what I said before we came down here.

"Well it's good to see you upright again. You're still short, but now you can at least stand on your tip toes." He teases as he opens the fridge and grabs a water. I scoff.

"I can still kick your butt Jasey." I tease back.

"No doubts kiddo. So what's your plans for curing your boredom then?" He asks, taking a large swig from the bottle.

"Movie night." Dami states, pulling his head out from a new cubard.

"Ooh sounds fun. You want company?" Jason asks. I have to consider that actually. I'm a little tired but I do miss spending time with the boys that doesn't involve me in a hospital cot.

"Depends. You gonna ask Timmy to join?" I press. He chokes on his water and I smirk.

"I, ahem, I can? Jesus am I that obvious?" He asks rhetorically. I chuckle evily.

"Not to him. He's denser than a burnt brownie." I deadpan. Jason scoffs.

"Or he's just not interested. Are you sure he hasn't mentioned anyone else he might like?" He asks, his finger is tapping on the side of his water bottle.

"Jasey, if he had a crush on someone I would know." I say easily.

"And yet you won't tell me what he thinks of me. Rude." He says, taking another drink.

"That is between you two. If you want to know that badly then ask him out already!" I say exasperated. He chuckles.

"He does live here ya know. You could keep it down." He mutters.

"Who lives here?" I hear a new voice say. Tim walks into the kitchen, his eyes look a little unfocused.

"You." Damian states, retrieving a plain milk chocolate bar. I smile. This is like living with a TV drama. Damian hands me the chocolate bar and I accept it happily.

"Oh. Yeah, I live here. You used to live here too. You both still live here. This is a big house." He says, slurring his words just slightly.

"We we're gonna watch a movie. You wanna join?" Jason asks. I'm having a proud sister moment right now. I wrap my arm around Dami's so I can lean on him.

"Sure. Which movie?" I hear him ask as he starts making coffee.

"The Greatest Showman."

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