Operation: rescue Bakugo

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"Now will you join the League Katsuki Bakugo?" Asked Shigaraki as looked at the restrained Bakugo who was trying to escape. "Fuck off Hand job!!!!" Replied Bakugo as he tried to undo the restraints. The league minus Shigaraki snickered at the comment.

With the heroes Izuku and Nezu were coming up with the teams to help out with the rescue.  "My team will help out and I can get Best Jeanist and Endeavour on board," stated Izuku . Nezu nodded and said," All Might, Mount Lady, Ectoplasm, Kamui Woods, Gran Torino, Eraserhead, Edgeshot and Ryukyū are in." Izuku nodded and said," That's perfect because I have a feeling that All For One might be there."

The heroes, Kamui Woods, Gran Torino, Edgeshot, Endeavour and All Might surrounded a Bar in Kamino Ward along with the police, waiting for the press conference to be aired. Mount Lady, Ectoplasm, Ryukyū and Best Jeanist were outside a warehouse which contained nomu. Eraserhead and Hit were on a building, observing as the Vanquishers silently evacuated the people of the district to a safe place. The press conference started airing and that was their signal to head in.

" Kamino Pizza delivery!" Said a voice behind the door. The League of villains looked at each other and Toga asked," Who ordered pizza?" Bakugo smirked then the door and the wall were smashed "Smashhh" shouted All Might. Kamui Woods restrained them and Edgeshot knocked Kurogiri out as Gran Torino went over to grab Bakugo. "Fuck you damn heroes!! I hate you! I hate you all! Especially you All Might! Why don't you just die!!"shouted Shigaraki as All Might and the police were arresting the rest of the league, them a black fluid emerged from above them and two nomu came out of them and attacked them. The same black fluid erupted from the villains and Bakugo and engulfed them and took them to where the nomu warehouse was supposed to be.

"This isn't looking good," said Aizawa as he saw what went down. Izuku silently agreed . "Hit, something's wrong," said Konan through Izuku's earpiece. "I know. Go to the location of the nomu warehouse with the rest. Eraserhead and I will meet you there to help out,"replied Izuku. "Got it" Izuku leapt of the building, followed by Aizawa, and headed to the centre of the battle.

"Shigaraki. You failed but you will adapt and try again. Failure brings success," said All For One, with a slightly filtered voice due to his Darth Vader respiratory mask. "Master..." Said Shigaraki in shock, as All Might emerged from the sky and attacked All For One. "All Might. Here to kill me once again?" Said All For One as he taunted All Might. " All For One. I will bring you down for good this time even if it mean I have to die," declared All Might. All For One laughed maniacally at the declaration by All Might, "But if you die, what will your successor do. Mine already makes decisions on his own. What about yours? Still spoon feeding him? Just like you and your previous predecessors, he will fail and die hahahahah." All Might grinded his teeth, angrily at what All For One had said. He attacked All For One with a "Texas Smash" which was stopped by All For Ones air cannons. ' I can't go all out with Young Bakugo here ' though All Might as he went for another attack, which All For One countered with a punch of his own, causing them both to be blown back a few by the wind pressure released by the two attacks. All Might saw Aizawa grab Bakugo with his capture gear and sighed in relief, " Now I can go all out All For One." He went for an attack which was dodged then he assaulted him with a barrage of punches which were countered with another barrage of punches from All For One. ' I'm running out of time. The last bits of One for all are leaving me. I need to end this now.' though All Might as he started emitting smoke. "You have gotten weaker All Might. You have reached your limit. Time to end this," said All For One as he shot air cannons at All Might, which he narrowly dodged. All For One stopped his assault and smirked," want to know a secret All Might? Well two secrets." All Might huffed angrily and said," What are you going on about?!" All for one laughed and said," It's about Shigaraki and your beloved Hit." The fights around them came to a stand still, as they heard All For One mention something about Hit. At that moment Izuku emerged from the shadows. " Well Shigaraki, is actually the grandson of your master All Might," stated All For One and laughed as he saw All Might's look of despair. "You're lying!" Shouted All Might as he attacked All For One, who dodged the attack and replied," I'm not. His real name is Tenko Shimura. All I did was save him from homelessness and gave him a home. He already hated heroes because of his own father and the fact that no hero tried to help him after his family's death." All Might got punched by All for One  and got launched back into a building. " And well Hit... This will be surprising to him as well," started All For One. All Might emerged from the building bleeding and went to attack the villain. " What about Hit?! What do you know about him!?"
All For One laughed and said ," well Hit is actually my..."

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