Sports festival (ROUND 3) and a reward

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Todoroki initiated the first move by sending a wall of ice towards Shinso, which he dodged . He sent his capture gear towards Todoroki and restrained him, pulled him towards himself, then kicked him in the side. Todoroki fell to the ground with a loud thud. Shinso went back into a fighting stance and asked,"Why don't you use your flames Todoroki?" Todoroki stood back up and glared at him. "I'm not going to use his quirk. I don't want to be like him. I won't be like him!" He answered. Shinso stared at him with disbelief in his eyes then his expression quickly changed into one of annoyance. "You are blessed with a powerful and flashy quirk and you are just rejecting it because you think that it belongs to someone else. What an idiot. I should be the one reluctant to you my quirk. I've been called a villain all my life but you, you have a greater chance at becoming a hero and you are just wasting it because you won't use your quirk!" He said to Todoroki full of anger. Todoroki looked shocked and said," but it's his power..." "For heaven's sake Hit has already told you that it's your quirk, yours! So use it dumbass! It's not like someone else can activate your fucking quirk!" Interrupted Shinso. Todoroki was shocked by once again. He remembered something from when he was little. His mother used to tell him that he should use his quirk to become what he wants and that no one could control his quirk other than himself. She used to encourage him to become a hero that's there for others not one that's forced into the industry. Todoroki smiled upon the memory, as his left side bursts into flames, the looked at Shinso and said," You're an idiot for helping me. I thought that you wanted to win, or are you just following orders from Hit?" Shinso smirked and said," Both actually. Just because I helped you don't mean that I'll loose." Both sides went into a fighting stance and Todoroki shot flames towards Shinso. Shinso narrowly dodged the attack then flung his capture weapon towards Todoroki, restrained him, pulled him towards himself then delivered a kick to the side. " AAAH! SHINSO JUST HELP TODOROKI UNLEASH HIS FIRE. NOW THE REAL BATTLE HAS STARTED!!!" Announced Mic. On the stands Endeavour was grinning as his 'master piece' had finally used his fire."SHOTOOOO!!! You are finally fulfilling your purpose!" He shouted from the stands. Todoroki just ignored him then launched another attack at Shinso, first he send a wall of ice towards him then a huge flame towards him. Shinso barely dodged the attack, having been burnt on the arm. ' I have prolonged this fight long enough ' though Shinso as he gave Todoroki a malicious grin then said," As fun as this is, I think we should end this now. Wouldn't you agree?" Todoroki smirked and answered,"Of cour..." His eyes suddenly lost colour and his face held no expression. Shinso looked at Todoroki then said," walk out of bounds." Todoroki did as instructed and walked out if bounds. The crowd was quiet and shocked. "TODOROKI IS OUT OF BOUNDS! SHINSO WINS!!" shouted Mic, breaking the silence. The general course students started cheering for Shinso, then the rest of the crowd started cheering for him. In the announcement booth Aizawa and Izuku both had faint smiles on their faces, as they were proud of Shinso.

All the rights of the second bracket ended quickly, some were one sided and some were interesting. The final round was about to begin. " WE HAVE OUR TWO FINALISTS!! WE HAVE KATSUKI BAKUGO VERSES HITOSHI SHINSO!!!"announced Mic as the crowd went wild. Both fighters stood in a fighting stance, ready to attack. "And begin!" Announced Midnight as Bakugo propelled himself with his explosions towards Shinso and delivered a right hook powered by an explosion and it narrowly missed him. Shinso flung his capture weapon towards Bakugo and he dodged hit and sent another explosion towards Shinso. Shinso was getting annoyed as none of his attacks were working. Bakugo was reading him like an open book. Both fighters stopped attacking but stayed in a defensive stance. "Hey Mindfuck. None of your attacks will work on me. I've been observing you. I guess it's useful to be childhood best friends with Hit. He did teach me how to analyse my opponent at a very young age and I didn't stop practicing the skill even after he left", said Bakugo. Shinso was shocked by this, then got an idea,"I didn't know Hit had a childhood best friend and that it would be you out of all people. You really care about him, don't you?" " The hell! What do you mean!?!!Of course I ca..." Shouted Bakugo before he was brainwashed. Shinso smirked and said," He may have taught you his analysis skill but you don't have his patience. Wall out of bounds." Bakugo did as he was told and walked out of bounds. Class 1A was shocked that a general course student just beat the strongest student in their class. The general course students were cheering for Shinso as the crowd roared of excitement. "Bakugo is out of bounds. The winner is Shinso!" Announced Midnight with a lot of enthusiasm. "MEANING SHINSO IS THE WINNER OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!!"announced Mic . Aizawa and Izuku were both really proud of Shinso, especially Izuku. He was really proud of his boyfriend/student.

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