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"Alright class, you all have a new student in the class", said Aizawa," And no, no one is being removed from the class!" Mineta put his hand down and sighed in relief and the girls in the class were disappointed. Aizawa continued," This student is not only my personal student but also izuku's student...and boyfriend so treat him well." Aizawa gave Izuku one of his ' eat shit' smiles and Izuku just glared at him. The stare off was interrupted by Iida," Sir, if I may ? Wouldn't it be unfair to bring in someone into the class that's close to both of the respected educators? It's simply taking away other potential students' spots." Izuku looked at Iida and replied," No it isn't unfair. This person should have been in the Hero course originally but his quirk was simply unsuitable for the entrance exam. If Mineta didn't make it in to the hero course, he would have taken his spot an besides we didn't spend months training him and removing his bitch-assness for nothing. His also the only one who has earned the right to not be called a bitch baby by me. Now , any other questions?" All the girls in the class raised up their hands and Izuku sighed and said," Ashido?" "Are you gay or bi?" Izuku kept his normal expression and answered," Gay. Yaoyorozu?" "How did you start dating him?" " I made his life a live nightmare then he kissed me and confessed," he answered, as the class laughed," Asui?" "Kero, how did you meet him?" " We met on the day of my hero licencing exam. A bunch of kids he went to middle school with were beating him up, so I beat them up", he replied as the class sweat dropped at his bluntness," Jiro?" "What type of guy is he?" "You'll meet him soon so, I'm not answering that... Hagakure?" "How are you capable of feeling love but you are pretty much emotionless?" "... I don't know, I just got this... weird feeling when I first met him and everytime I'm with him I ...I feel happy? I haven't felt emotions since I was 5 years old so I don't really know how to answer that", replied Izuku as the girls started crying and the boy looked shocked to hear this  and Kirishima called him a manly man, as he wiped away a tear. Izuku sighed," Uraraka?" " Is it that Shinso guy? I saw the way you guys looked at each other after the sports festival." Izuku just nodded his head. Aizawa sighed and said," now that that's done , Shinso you may enter." The classroom door slid open and Shinso entered the class , he stood beside Aizawa and said, bowing," I'm Hitoshi Shinso, my quirk is brainwash and I'm not here to make any friends so don't approach me."  Izuku looked at Shinso and said," not making friends is my thing Toshi." Shinso smirked and said," I know but I'm stealing it now, besides I don't find anyone in this class interesting, well other than you of course." Izuku blushed and turned away from Shinso. Shinso chuckled and went to hug him from behind then he whispered into his ear," You look cute when you're flustered. I think I'm gonna enjoy this class and I get to see you everyday now." Izuku's blush intensified and the girls cooed at the couple infront of the class. Bakugo sighed and said," Hey Deku and  Mind-fuck stop! Your love is making me sick! And by the way Mind-fuck, I now understand what you meant by you aren't replacing me, but this doesn't mean that I don't hate you or whatever!" The class burst into laughter. "Bakubro, how does love make you sick?" Asked Kirishima. Bakugo just ignored him as Shinso sat behind him. " Ok class, now that's out of the way, your internships are starting next week. Here is the list of those who got offers and those who didn't receive any offers will still be doing the internships. There are heroes that are open to getting more interns so don't worry. You will all have a week to make you choice", announced Aizawa before he crawled into his sleeping bag ," Free lesson, just don't disturb me." Izuku sighed and sat down by Aizawa's desk and started sketching.

Class 1A were busy talking about the agencies they picked for their internships. "Iida which hero are you intering with?" Asked Uraraka. " Manual ", he replied. Uraraka nodded and said ," I'm going with Gunhead. He could teach me how to fight better." "Makes sense, even though I thought you would go for 13", said Iida. Iida looked towards Shinso and asked," Who are you intering with Shinso?" Just as he was about to reply, Izuku entered the class and the class fell silent. " Ok class I just wanna way good luck on your internships and goodbye. Oh and Toshi you stay behind", said Izuku as the class sweat dropped . Shinso nodded and the class went back to what they were doing as they slowly left the room. Shinso went up to Izuku and asked," Who is or are The Vanquishers ?" The class stopped moving and became silent as Shinso asked the question. " My team", replied Izuku. The class was shocked. 'The legendary assassin Hit has a hero team?!?!?!' is what ran through everyone's minds. "I didn't know you had a hero team", said Shinso."You didn't ask", said Izuku," now the rest of you leave." The students of Class 1A left for their internships.

"Hitoshi meet the Vanquishers. This is Skyeye, that's Compressor, the guy that wouldn't stop flirting with me is Puppet Master and that is Transaction", said Izuku as he pointed to each person. They group waved at Shinso and said hi. Kosuke went up to Shinso and eyed him up and down then looked back at Izuku and said," what so special about him? Why are you dating him? What do you see in him? Tell me! Because I am heart broken. I can't believe you left me for ...him!" Izuku raised a brow and said," Huh? I'm confused." The rest of the group burst into laughter as Kosuke sulked in a corner. Shinso was so confused by the group's interaction and by what Kosuke said. " I'm really confused", he said. "Puppet Master has been flirting with Hit since the licensing exam and he's been rejecting him every time. That basically sums it up", said Skyeye. Shinso nodded his head and said ok. " Now  introductions are over , we will be heading to Hosu city, oh and Toshi get ready for the worst week of your life",said Izuku.

The internships were going well for the students, well for some of them. In Hosu Shinso was jumping from rooftop to rooftop, trying to run away from his trainers in a training exercise. Behind him, Kenji and Hinata followed. Konan was flying above him on an origami bird with Kosuke, but Izuku was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly Shinso felt a force stopping him in his tracks. He looked up and saw Kosuke, controlling his body, then his mind went blank as Hinata used her mind transfer on him. Izuku appeared out of nowhere and captured him. The quirks were released and Shinso was aware of his surroundings once again. He grunted as Izuku helped him up. ' They are a dangerous hero team. They work well together, especially with Izu leading them' thought Shinso. " You did better then this time than two days ago. Come on, let's hed back to HQ and rest. We're taking you on patrol tonight", Said Izuku. Shinso was shocked  excited  about going on patrol. "Wait really?" He asked. Izuku nodded. Kenji hit Shinso on the back and said," of course. What kind of internship would this be if we didn't take you on atleast one patrol?" Shinso smiled at this. Konan and Hinata looked at Shinso, shocked, and said," Oh my gosh he just smiled. He can smile. We thought he was like you Izuku, kind heart but no smiled." The couple mentioned glared at the girls as Kenji and Kosuke laughed.

On top of a tall building, two figures could be seen, looking over Hosu city. The night sky made it hard for the figures to be spotted on the building. " Release the nomus",said one of the figures. " Yes young master", replied the other as terror struck the city below them. Three nomus were attacking the city, harming civilians and causing damage. The pro heroes arrived and were evaluating the civilians. In an alleyway, a figure could be seen, holding a sword about the head of a downed hero. Just as the figure was about to plunge it into his head, he was interrupted. " Leave. I have no business with you kid", he said. "But you do. You crippled my brother, Ingenium now I'm here to take you down, Stain The hero killer, for my name is Tenya Iida, the new Inginium ", said Iida as he got into a fighting stance. " I can smell the hatred and desire for revenge in you. You must be purged just like all the other fakes out there", said Stain. Iida ran in and aimed a kick to Stains side but he dodged it and stabbed Iida on the shoulder and licked his blood of the blade, paralyzing him. Out of nowhere, Stain stumbled back as he felt a punch to the face. Out of the darkness of the alleyway, Shinso emerged and took Iida away from Stain and took Native and set him beside Iida. "What are you doing here. This is my fight. I'm the one who inherited the Inginuim name. I have to be the one to...", Said Iida before Shinso interrupted him," To what? Kill him? That's not what a hero should do. Heroes don't go around getting revenge. If you killed him you would have been the furthest thing from a hero. Infact you would have been a villain. Would you like that ? You were so set on getting revenge that you didn't even notice the hero that was about to be slaughtered right before your eyes." Iida looked down in shame then looked at Shinso and asked ," what are you doing here?" " Following orders." Stain regained his composure and scanned around the alleyway and saw a figure in dark purple. It was barely visible in the darkness of the alleyway. The figure took a step forward and said," Long time no see, sensei."

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