Long time no see

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"Long time no see, sensei."

Iida and Shinso stood in shock. Stain grinned upon hearing the voice of the figure. " Izuku. I didn't expect to see you so soon", he said maliciously with a crazed smile. Izuku stepped into the light and went towards Shinso and Iida. "I know that you hate it when your purge is interrupted but I can't let you kill them. They are my students after all", said Izuku with a smirk," however I can let you know some sense into Ingenium junior over here." Stains grin grew wider and Iida felt a shiver run down his back. "You're a teacher now? I would have never guessed that you would go soft", said Stain, a bit amused by Iida's fear. "Well I'm just a combat instructor. Nothing special", replied Izuku . Stain smirked and said," Nonsense. You are also a hero now... Hit." Izuku chuckled and said," You catch on fast... Stendhal. " "Of course. I didn't just train you but I raised you as well. I know you better that you know yourself kid." Native, Shinso and Iida were shocked by the information that  they found out about Izuku. 'Stain trained and raised him!?!' they all thought. Izuku smirked and said," of course you do, Chi-san." Stain glared at Izuku upon the mentioning of the childish nickname and said," You just like to get on my nerves, do you? Why didn't I just kill you that day?" Izuku smirked and said,"  Well, you do...." "Hit!!!" Izuku was interrupted by Kosuke calling out his name. Izuku sighed as his team arrived. Stain analysed the group then looked at Izuku and asked," And they are?" Izuku sighed again and replied," my team, but they only help me out with hero work." "Awww, don't be ashamed to admit that we are you friends Hit", said Kosuke as he hugged Izuku. Izuku hit him on the head and said," you're annoying. I don't befriend annoying people." Stain laughed at the interaction and said," you seem to have your life in order kid. What about that rematch? Just like old times hey?" Izuku nodded his head and Stain smirked as he got his swords and knifes ready," no quirks." Stain shot forward and attacked Izuku, Izuku dodged and landed a kick to his side. Izuku reached into his trench coat and revealed two knifes. He got into a fighting stance and waited on the defence. Stain smirked and ran towards Izuku a high speeds and swung his sword at him, only for him to block it with one of the knifes. Izuku used his other knife at slashed Stain across the chest, causing him to move back. Stain gave Izuku a malicious grin and said," let's get serious shell we?" Izuku smirked and said," I couldn't agree more." They readied their blades and ran towards each other at a high speed and attacked at the same time. Sparks were flying as the blades collided.

Both fighters were breathing heavily as they stopped their attacks. They looked each other in the eyes and smiled. "You...you lasted longer than you used to. I see why they call you the legendary assassin and also how you beat All Might. You even have me weakened kid",stated Stain, out of breath. Izuku smiled and said," I learnt from the best and besides I wasn't gonna slack off on my training. I didn't want you beating me into shape." Stain let out a chuckle and said," That's good kid... And just so you know... I'm proud of you. Raising you was the best choice I've ever made in my entire life." Izuku looked at Stain with shock in his eyes as he thought 'He's proud of me? Best choice he's ever made? ... Running into him that day was...a blessing. I'm grateful for all he has done for me and for being there for me when no one else was. Chizome Agakure. The first father figure I've ever had and the best teacher one could ask for.' Izuku snapped out of his shock and said," Thank you...for everything..." He launched himself towards Stain and Stain also attacked him head on. Their blades barely missed the other and Izuku used his momentum and flexibility and kicked Stain in the side then elbowed him in the stomach "...tochan" then through him on to the ground, knocking him out. Izuku looked upon the fallen body of his sensei then sighed. The Vanquishers, Shinso, Iida and Native were shocked by what happened. An awkward silence filled the alleyway as the students and heroes stared at Izuku with shocked expressions. Kenshi broke the silence by saying," so... Stain raised you? And trained you?" Izuku gave him a blank stare which made him shudder. "I'm gonna take your silence as a yes", said Kenshi. Izuku just sighed and proceeded to tie Stain up and removed all of his weapons.

The police and an ambulance arrived at the scene and the police took Stain into custody and Native was taken to a hospital along with Iida. Shinso went up to Izuku and hugged him. Izuku hugged him back , burying his face in the crook of his neck. "I finally know why you have a ' I'm done with life ' personality. I wouldn't have guessed that you were raises by Stain.... He seems like a guy with strong convictions and his eyes seemed to light when he spoke to you. I could tell that he genuinely cares about you. Let's hope Aizawa-sensei won't be jealous when he finds out that Stain was your dad before him", Izuku chuckled as he parted from Shinso's embrace and said,"thanks."

The internships have concluded and the students were all back at school, returning to their normal lives. They all talked about their internships and what they did. "Bakubro, did you hear about the hosu incident? They said that the hero killer was there and working with the league", said Kirishima. Bakubro just scoffed and said," yeah I did shitty hair and Stain isn't with the league." The class fell silent upon Bakugo's statement. He grew angry and said," What are you extras looking at??!!!?" Kirishima nervously smiled and said," but how do you know he isn't working for the league?" Bakugo exploded the desk and shouted," BECAUSE IZUKU TOLD ME EXTRAS!!!" Shinso sighed in the background and said," calm down boom boom boy before your head explodes as well..." "WHAT'D YOU CALL ME?!!!!" "and to the rest of you, Stain isn't working with the league and never will. It goes against his whole conviction and what Bakugo said is true." The class started asking Shinso more questions about the Stain incident. They were loud, so loud the they didn't even notice Izuku and Aizawa enter the class. Aizawa activated his quirk and the class felt a shiver go down their spines as they calmed down and went to their seats, quietly. "Ok class, as you all know  the end of the term is near. You will have an and if term exam. Both written and practical. The exam takes place in two weeks time so be prepared", announced Aizawa before he slipped into his sleeping bag and fell asleep. " Oh by the way. Those who fail the exams ... Won't go on the summer camp", announced Izuku as he gave them a ' eat shit' smile. The whole class shouted,"WHATTT?!!!!?!??" "You can't do that!!" "That's unfair!!!" "Please man!!!" Izuku sighed and said," use this lesson to start studying.... quietly. I don't even wanna hear you breath. That's how quietly I want it. You guys are all a headache. I'm too young for this." The class sweat dropped at their teachers antics but once they regained themselves, they quickly took out their books and proceeded to study for the up coming exam.

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