Chapter 46

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Crimson's POV:

It was the middle of the night when I woke up to screams. I quickly woke Hank up and we rushed out in the direction of the noise. We followed the noise to the front door. Limping inside the school was my brother. He was riddled with bullet holes and blood stained his hair, clothes, and skin. Worst and most confusing of all was that he wasn't healed. Blood was pouring out of his many wounds and he was losing strength and fast. People rushed to grab Logan and hold him up while I closed my eyes and focused on my emotions. I worked hard to focus on only the best memories I had. I tuned out the world around me as I felt the strength leave my body and for the first time I felt pain; I felt his pain. Was the wound too big? Were there too many? No. I have to focus. I let out a pained scream but remained as focused as I could on memories. I finally slipped into an unconscious state, unsure if I had succeeded or not. 

I slowly began to wake. I opened my eyes and glanced around to see I was in the all too familiar medbay. I started to remember what had happened and a million questions raced through my mind. Why wasn't he healing? What happened to him? Where is his daughter? Where has he been? Is he okay? Am I okay? Why did I feel his pain when I healed him? Why do I feel sick? I haven't felt sick since my powers came in when I was little. Is this because I healed a healer? I was removed from my infinite line of questioning by the sound of voices coming towards the medbay. I looked over at the doorway and Hank walked in followed by about 8 kids and teens. Hank noticed that I was awake and relief was apparent on his face. I sat up in the bed as Hank brought the students over. 

"Kids, this is Miss. Howlett"

A curious of hi's and hellos came from all kids. 

"Since you've been out a couple of weeks, your class has been postponed and we've all split them up and taken your students for power control class"

"Thank you, I'll be ready to start everything as planned tomorrow"

"Don't push yourself too much, you're body is reacting differently because you healed someone who is also a healer. The result is an extra long nap and some non-transferable flu-like symptoms"

"I can handle it, just get me my class list"

"Oh, and before you ask Mr. Howeltt is doing just fine, thanks to you"

That night

Turns out being sick sucks a lot more than I remember, but at least I can't spread it to anyone else. I spent my day finishing up everything I thought I would still have time for before the students arrived. After a very exhausting day, I flopped down into my bed and crawled underneath the covers. Hank soon followed my lead and crawled under the covers. Despite both the blankets and body heat, it was still freezing cold, well at least for me. 

"You're shivering, are you sure you're alright? Is there anything I can do?" Hank asked quietly.

"I have an idea, but you might not like it"

"If it helps you, then I'll like it"

"I think the extra fur that comes from your beast form would be quite warm..."

"What if I scratch you with my claws? I don't want to hurt you"

"Hank, I'm basically indestructible and I feel no pain"

"Alright, but I'm switching back first thing in the morning"

"Thank you, Bones"

Hank slowly started to shift into the beast form and my hypothesis was correct. The fur was nice and warm. 

"You make a great teddy bear"

"You really mean that?"

"Of course, I do. You're a giant, cuddly, bear and I love you. I finally get to somewhat fulfill my dream of hugging a polar bear"

"I've never thought about it like that"

"Then start"

The Next Morning

Having been alerted to their schedule change my students for power control should be arriving any minute. I sat on my desk and awaited their arrival. Soon a young woman entered my classroom and took a seat. I waited a few more minutes and I was about to shut my door when Warren walked inside. 

"It's just the two of us," Warren announced walking in and taking his seat. 

"Thank you, Mr. Worthington, now if you'll both introduce yourselves and your powers that would be fantastic," I spoke. Neither of them looked like they wanted to speak up and I waited until Warren finally gave his introduction. 

"I'm Warren Worthington The Third and as you could figure out I have wings"

"I'm Desiree Drake and I don't need to breathe"

"Fascinating, I'm Crimson Howlett and I can heal both myself and others, also I don't feel physical pain"

"When are we gonna get to it?" Desiree asked. 

"Right now and I'm thinking we start with Warren, I've already got a challenge for you. Just let me grab something," I announced. They both looked mildly intrigued which was the best I could hope for. I opened up a cabinet and found what I was looking for. I pulled the large metal chain and lock out of the cabinet. I gestured for Warren to stand up and he obliged. I wrapped the chain around his torse nice and snug before locking it, to keep everything in place. I walked back over to my desk and dialed the number. 

"Mr. Lehnsherr it's your free period correct?"

"Yes, what do you want?"

"I need you to move some metal around while someone fights against your control"

"Sounds fun, I'm in"

"Meet me on the roof"

I hung up the phone and led my two students up to the roof where Erik was already stood waiting. We all approached the ledge and saw how far down a fall from this many stories was. 

"I'm not sure this is the best idea," Desiree spoke. 

"I am," Erik announced before using his hand to shove Warren off the ledge. 

"Okay, Warren I need you to try to fly in a straight line away from the school while Erik pulls you where ever he wants"

Warren flew up into the correct spot and started to fly straight away from the school, then Erik started. Erik first moved to pull Warren straight back and Warren slowed down before freezing midair and then moving backward. Erik released his hold and Warren regained control. 

"Wanna see a trick?" Erik asked.

"Go for it," I spoke. 

Erik regained control of Warren and pushed him lower and lower like a torpedo toward the lake. 

"Erik, don't let go of him, make him free himself. His instincts to survive should allow him to overtake your hold this time"

"I mean if you insist, I guess I could hurl a teenager toward certain doom"

We all watched in anticipation as Warren got closer and closer to the lake. He was headed straight for it. 

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" Warren screamed.



At close to the last second Warren was able to pull up and avoid the lake. He pulled up and then rolled onto the grass near the lake. He looked up at all of us on the roof and flipped us off.

"Alright, Desiree your turn"

"Is it too late to drop out?"


"Damn it"

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