Chapter 1

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Crimson's POV:

I laid there on the concrete with an all too familiar feeling of extreme pain. People always talk about how dying to so peaceful. Clearly, they've never been shot point-blank with a shotgun. The already dark alleyway started to get darker as my field of view began to shrink. 

I was finally reaching a state of peace as the pain and my consciousness started to dissipate. Then right as my vision fully leaves me I see the faint outline of a person. Shit. Not again.

I hate hospitals. They always ask so many questions. It really gets on my nerves. 

"You died for twenty minutes?"

"You lost over a gallon of blood?"

"Your medical records say you've died eight times this year?"

I slowly started to open my eyes and saw the familiar surroundings of a hospital. Great. More questions and guards trying to stop me from leaving. I glanced down and saw I was still in my clothes. That's weird, hospitals always put me in a gown. Whatever, I don't wanna be here anyway. I pulled my shirt up and looked down. The bullet holes were closed up and the skin was mostly healed. 

I glanced to my left and saw the IV hooked up to me. Closing my eyes so as not to see the needle I reached over and yanked the IV out. I removed everything else connected to my body and sat up. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, but I mean I did get shot so. I pulled myself off the hospital bed and looked around for my shoes. 

I spotted them on a nearby chair and started to walk over to them my right arm wrapped around my abdomen and my back hunched over. 

"Just where do you think you're going? " A weirdly British-sounding voice asked. I looked around but couldn't see anyone. Weird. All the more reason to high tail it out of here. I put my shoes on and went for the exit. "You should be dead, you know," the British voice said, whoever it was sounded condescending as hell. "I am not condescending" the British voice chimed.

"Alright demon where the fuck are you?" I asked annoyed. I continued to look around in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. A heard a noise and immediately turned towards it and reached toward the knife holster on my leg, which was empty. I saw a man enter the room in a wheelchair. He certainly did not look like a doctor.

"I am not a doctor, I am a professor," the man said in the same voice I'd heard earlier. He stuck his hand out towards me, "Professor Charles Xavier and you are?" he asked. 

"Crimson," I said as I shook the man's hand. A professor? Why would a professor be in this place?

"Well Crimson, I watched you die, and yet here you are," Charles said looking at me questingly. 

"Yeah, I got shot and died its a fairly common occurrence" I replied. Charles lightly chuckled at my words.

"It is actually not common, at least not for regular humans, but for mutants..." Charles trailed off and looked at me expectantly.

"Quick question, where the fuck are we?" I asked gesturing to the room we were in.

"My school. I told you I was a professor. This is my school. It's for mutants like you and me" Charles said as if it was obvious. 

"Let me get this straight, you saw me dying and your first thought is let me take her to my school," I asked as condescendingly as possible. 

"Well you see, I knew you were a mutant and figured if you couldn't heal then my friend Hank could try to save you himself," Charles stated looking somewhat bored.

"If this Hank guy is supposed to save me then where is he?" I asked the Professor.

"Well, he was doing everything he could on the way here and still trying once we arrived. When you lost your pulse and he couldn't get it back he gave up. He's probably in his lab calling himself an idiot" Charles stated looking quite sorrowful. 

"Just how long did he try to save me?" I asked wondering the extent this man was willing to go for a stranger.

"Well with the car ride, plane ride, and the time here probably around three hours," Charles said.

"Holy shit! Where is he?" I asked Charles. Charles turned his wheelchair and faced the door.

"To left and third door on the right is my best guess," Charles said gesturing toward the door. I nodded towards the professor and walked out in search of the kind stranger. 

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