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I want to reconcile the violence in your heart

I want to recognize your beauty's not just a maskI want to exorcise the demons from your pastI want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

-Undisclosed Desires by Muse

A few weeks passed and Sophia was back in the gym. Working out had started to become her release just like Steve. Things had been better between them, but Steve still treated Sophia like a piece of glass. This day, she was working with Bucky on using her shield more. Since the shooting, they need to see if it could protect her better.

"C'mon Angel, One more time." Bucky held the nerf gun ready to take her down.

"I swear James you are trying to kill me. I can only put the shield up for so long."

"I know Angel, but you are still not covering yourself entirely. That leaves you vulnerable. Ask Steve. The punk always forgets to cover his legs."

"I heard that." Steve said from across the gym. He was working with Sam, teaching him how to throw his shield to hit a target.

Sophia huffed and tried to expand her shield. She managed to deflect the nerf ball at her legs for the first time. She smiled and let the shield drop. "I did it!" Bucky lifted her up and spun her around.

"That's great Angel. One more time." He started to back away to his mark.

"Seriously, you just said... Sophia started to say when she heard, "Sophia duck!"

Sophia turned to the voice and saw the Vibranium shield headed to her. She raised her right hand but couldn't get her own shield up on time. The shield slammed into Sophia's hand and shoulder; the resounding snap was heard throughout the gym.

"Son of a bitch!" Screamed Sophia as she dropped to her knees clutching her arm.

"Fuck! What the fuck just happened?" Yelled Bucky. He Steve and Sam rushed over to Sophia.

"I slipped when I threw the shield." Explained Steve. "Oh god baby I'm so sorry." He picked up Sophia and ran her to med bay. Bruce and Clint were talking when they entered followed by Sam and Bucky. "Bruce, I accidently hit Sophia with my shield. I think she broke something."

Bruce immediately went into action. "Alright, Clint, bring me the x-ray machine. Steve and Bucky be ready to hold her down because she is going to be in pain. Sam, hold her head. Sophie, sweetie, I need you to let go of your arm."

"No, it hurts too much," Sophia cried. She was blinded by the pain in her arm.

"I know, sweetie but I need to see the damage."

Sophia let go and could feel more pain coming. She started to thrash. Steve and Bucky immediately grab her shoulders and legs. Sam gripped her head and Clint tried to calm Sophia down. "C'mon Rosie, just breathe, ok? We just need to take the film and Bruce can give you something."

Sophia continued to move but Steve grabbed her right arm and held it down. "Bruce do it now!" He yelled.

Bruce took the x-rays and then immediately gave Sophia a sedative. The effects were immediate. She stopped trashing and closed her eyes. Everyone let go of her and took a breath.

"Goddammit. I can't believe I slipped." Said Steve. "I can't believe I hurt her."

"It's not your fault Cap," said Sam. "It was an accident. I mean we've trained together multiple times, and this has never happened."

Possessive - Book Two (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now