“I’m sorry.”

“I’m fine. Actually, I was kinda glad it was over so don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t believe you called to tell me about this, did you?” I asked and waited as she took a moment to answer.

“Well, kinda. I’m here and …”

“Wait. Wait, what?  You’re here?” I was surprised, to say the least.

“Yeah, and I’m in trouble, sort of.” She paused as if waiting for me to say something. I didn’t. Now I knew, not only I was over her, I also didn’t want to have anything to do with her. And it looked to me like she was trying to get back into my life. Or was it just me?

She continued, realizing I wasn’t going to say anything.

 “I’ll tell you when you get home.”

What? “What do you mean when I get home?”

 “Well, I’m at your front door right now.” She said with some kind of an amused tone.

Shit, how do I get out of this, I thought, and realized Adam was looking at me intently. I placed a hand over the speaker securely and nodded him a curt ‘what’, which he replied with a meek shake of his head still eyeing me.

“So I’ll talk to you when you’re here, okay?” Maggie spoke, drawing my attention back to her.

Well, like I had any other choice. “Alright.” I grumbled and hung up before she did, quite surprised at the sudden change of feelings towards the one who practically made me gay. But I guessed it wasn’t out of the blue like it seemed.

It just must have been hiding since I buried every thought of her in the back of my head the day she left and never tried to dig it up again. And it just resurfaced now. Yep, that was it. But I still felt the prying eyes on me.


“Nothing.” Adam said, surrendering his hands in the air with that stupid grin across his face.

“You gonna be at the practice tomorrow?” I asked Adam as he got out of the car.

“Yeah, that’ll be the day.” He scoffed, waving us goodbye and we drove out again, this time to my house.

“What, you going?” Jeremy asked as he looked back at me in the rear view mirror.

“Probably. But I guess I’m gonna be alone with Rod. No one would come.”

“Yeah, I would come too if I didn’t have the test.”

“Dude, if you don’t have the test, everybody has to come. What’s with Grumpy anyway, having you guys take the test in the evening? Doesn’t she know the game is in just a few days?”

“Heck, consider yourself lucky if she was hit by a ball and didn’t use it to make up an equation.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, the old hag knows practically nothing about soccer, or any sports for that matter. And she just has the thing for coach. They must’ve been husband and wife or something like that in previous life.”

“I would say ‘divorced’ seeing they’re always at each other’s throats.” He mused as the car turned into our street.

“Hey, thanks.” I said as I got out of the car.

“No problem. Just take care of her for me, will you?” He added, looking over my shoulder at the house.

“Get out of here!” He laughed and nodded. I lingered there till the car disappeared out of sight and took my time walking over to what awaited me at the front door: trouble…, sort of.

Living in Sin (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now