The clear blueness of her eyes clashed with his.  Her expression was hopeful as a tremor shook her frame which made him ache to touch and reassure her.  He sensed her torment, her loss, her fear of his critique.  But he also sensed the strength running though her, the control she exerted over herself to remain standing there on display.

That in itself was a trait to be admired passed her looks. 

Zayn appreciated beauty.  Everyone did.  But he was disciplined enough to know true beauty laid within the person.  He didn't know enough about her but he sensed he was about to be Hope was a rare breed of female.  A rare commodity to find both combinations. 

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Hope was just not beautiful on the outside, she was a beautiful, vibrant spirit on the inside too. It was buried under all that she went through and it needed time to resurface and bloom.

He watched her flush crimson as he continued to gaze shamelessly.  It was obvious she was uncomfortable with the attention.  How would she be able control the reaction of others?

Men will be swarming around her like a cluster of mosquitos out for her blood.  Men would be able to sense her inexperience.  She was too innocent and vulnerable even with her new attractive appearance.  Her exterior was that of a woman who wanted to capture attention much like the ones he had known.  She had absolutely no idea to know all the vile things men thought of. 

For reasons he couldn't explain, he felt the need to protect Hope.  Even from the moment he first spoke to her.  It wasn't lust drawing him to her, he wanted even more to have her near him, and to make sure she was safe. 

He made a mental note to speak to Sammy privately about coaching her on unwanted advances and what to expect from the opposite sex.  She needed all the experience she could get.  Knowledge was power and he'd be damned if he let her fend for herself and get taken advantage of. 

"You done?"

Zayn snapped out of his thoughts shifting his gaze to Sammy who was watching him closely, hands folded over his chest. 

One of Sammy's eyebrows rose shooting him a knowing look.

He replaced his expression looking unfazed and distant.

From the corner of his eye he felt Hope's focus on him.  He could sense her composure unraveling from the nerves.  All he wanted to do was walk over there and engulf her in his arms and shield her away from the world. 

"You did a fine job, Sammy.  I never had a doubt in your abilities."  He complemented, knowing that's what he was waiting for.

Sammy harrumphed.  "Damn straight." 

Zayn didn't have the energy to come up with a witty reply while Hope was standing a mere feet away listening.

He cast another glance at Hope.  "How do you feel?"

She was watching him silently her eyes steady and calm as she met his gaze.   A small, shy smile flitted across her pretty face. 

"I feel grateful."  She replied simply, lowering her gaze, focusing on the floor at her feet. 

Zayn smiled at her response, his chest swelling in pride. She was incredibly sweet. It was unexpected but humbling. He felt a new wave of respect for this girl standing before him.

"You deserve more from life.  This is only the beginning." He replied, still smiling.

Her eyes met his again. 

There was a sad acceptance in her gaze, a look of resignation that touched something deep inside him.  He longed to ease her sorrows, pain and loneliness he sensed. 

These protective, tender emotions he felt coursing through him was a little disconcerting, but he found them welcoming. 

They were new to him.  She was new.  She was different. 

He didn't know much about her but deep down he knew she was someone special.
Hi all!
So this is a small excerpt giving you a little glimpse of what's coming.  I know so many of you have been patiently waiting and I couldn't continue without a little teaser.  :)

I'm hoping I'll start updating by the end of the summer.  Still working on outlining the ending before being confident enough to begin officially writing chapters every week.  They will be once a week like my usual schedule and on Friday's. 

I'll give you all an update on my message board when I'm ready. 

And for those who are fans of Sammy, as you read above, he will be making a grand appearance in this spinoff.

Thanks for reading!
Please don't forget to vote, and share!


His Hope [Zayn][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now