"Or i could kill her"

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What the fuck is wrong with me...

I just said the most vile thing to tori!

Why am I so stupid, why do I do stupid things when I'm angry? Maybe kind of threatening to kill her was too much. Maybe I should try to talk to her...

Am I enough for her though? There's gotta be a reason why she cheated!

My mind is spiraling right now and not in the good way..


I groan and sat on the floor of the janitors closet. I want to tell jade it wasn't my fault- but after what she just said, she must be angry... very angry.

I can expect her to kill me at this point really. The bell rings but I don't feel like going to class, all I want to do is go home and be depressed. I'll only bring everyone's mood down if I'm here. All of this is my fault, I've come to terms with it.

I could have thought of something to get Sam off of me but I didn't, I was too distracted trying to get her hands off of me. I could've taken a beating from Sam, I could have ran out if I was fast enough.

I can't take it- I'm just going to go home. I stood up, got my bag, then headed for the high school door. What's the point of even being here anymore is jade is just gonna tell me to suck a d?

I've come to terms with the facts that are:
I barely see my dad
My mom is literally cheating!
Jade hates me
My friends hate me
And I have no one!

No one to talk to, no one to comfort me, if I told Trina she'd laugh at me and tell me to man up! Do I look like a man?!? I'm literally the most feminine person in my family!

I wish I could just die in a hole right now...

I ran to my house as fast as my legs could carry me. I want to shut myself away from everyone at this point. I unlock the door and plop myself into the couch, still crying.

My eyelids start to close slowly, tears still falling from my eyes. I fall asleep, laying there on the couch. Worried about pretty much everything.


"We don't have to tell her!" I hear a whisper, I keep my eyes shut as if I'm still sleeping. "But how would we keep this from them?" My mom huffed. "Tori and Trina are big girls, they can handle theirselves with this information" I hear my dad whisper.

"How do you expected to tell them we divorced a month ago?!?" My mom whisper shouts. "You were cheating, so you have to tell them" my dad sighs.

I feel my heart stop at those words, they divorced A MONTH ago?!? I sit up on the couch, they both turn their heads to me with a unreadable expression.

"Hey sweetheart, how was your nap?" My mom coos, acting like nothing happened. My face reddens and I feel anger rising inside of me. I just stare at them, pain in my eyes and almost crying for the tenth time today.

Without thinking I quickly ran up to my room and shoved whatever clothes or items I would need into two suitcases. Tears stung my eyes as I dialed in cats number. I couldn't go to Andres or Robbies or beck's because 1 Andres grandma would drive me even more crazy, 2 Robbie is well... Robbie, 3 and beck's place is too small.

I sigh, cat was my only option, I bit my lip and pressed call hesitantly. Hello? Hey cat... who is this? Tori... the line went silent, I realized she put me on hold.

Look Tori, I don't want to be mean but you took advantage of jade and you were mean for that, I gotta go! She hung up, leaving me shaking with tears.

My breathing picked up all of a sudden and I fell to the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and I felt like I was dying. I room was spinning and everything made me feel nauseous. I close my eyes and try to catch my breath.

I then realized Trina left earlier when I heard my phone ding. I shakily picked up the phone, I got a text from Trina. I sigh in relief and read it.

Croak 🐸: hey sis, I just got to my dorm, just checking with you guys

Me: everything's great here, I'm glad you like college so far

Croak 🐸: great, I'll text you later

Me: bye sis :)

I don't want her to know, especially since she's so happy right now. She doesn't need to know I just had a panic attack, it'll just worry her.

"Tori! You alright?" My dad knocks. "Yea" I try to sound like I haven't been crying. "Okay kiddo" I hear his footsteps trail down the hallway, away from my door.

I lay in bed, not being able to sleep anymore. After not less than an hour later, I hear yelling downstairs. "YOU CANT LEAVE ME WITH THAT BRAT!" My mom yelled. I crept halfway down the stairs to hear what was going on. "She can visit me on weekends, like you made sure of in the terms of agreement when we divorced" my dad calmly says as he pulls a suitcase through the door.

I widen my eyes in fear of the situation, my mom notices me. "TORI GET DOWN HERE!" She yelled. I timidly step towards her, next to the couch. She pulled to the kitchen by the hair as I yelp in pain. "Let go of her" my dad demanded.

"Or I could kill her" my mom smirked as she took out a knife from a kitchen drawer. I widen my eyes at her statement "no!" I yelled. She lowers the knife to my neck in a slicing motion. I gulp.

"Put the knife down or I'll need to arrest you" my dad slowly walked to us, holding his gun and handcuffs. I give him a pleading look as the knife slides onto my neck. I hiss in pain.

My dad starts to shoot but my mom keeps on dodging while holding the knife, unintentionally cutting me. Until my dad shot her.

I'm so sorry for this chapter, I lot of things happened at once but anyways HAPPY SUNDAY!

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