Break up with your girlfriend, im bored

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Tori POV)

We arrived at the hotel after a five hour flight mostly exhausted. "Hey babe, I'm gonna go help cat with her bags, take these up to the room" jade gave me a room key that said '111' on it.

"Okay" I obeyed as I grabbed one of jades and my bags and went up the elevator. The hallway was decorated in a beach theme which I find cute. I smile pleasantly as I walk to the door.

The door was open surprisingly and I walked in. There was some bags in there already, weird. Maybe one of my friends was in here? I shrug it off and sat on one of the couches.

"Tori?!?" I could hear a voice calling my name. "Sam?!?" I said in a little shock. Sam had nothing but a bikini on- it was quite showy. "Uh sorry" I blush while looking down.

"It's fine, I was just trying this on" Sam shrugged as she walked up to me. "Why are you even in here stalker?" She said with a little playfulness. I stood up.

"I thought this was my room" I explain while looking into her eyes. "Maybe you were supposed to come here" Sam shrugged as she got closer to me. "Uh I think your getting the wrong idea-" I start, backing into the wall.

"Oh I don't think I am" Sam smirked as she walked closer to me until we were inches apart. "Uh" I said uncomfortably. Sam looked into my eyes and before I said anything else, she pressed her lips against mine.

"No- stop!" I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me. "Resisting is good on you" Sam smirked, I cringed. "Seriously stop!" I groaned. She just kissed me harder, pressing me against the wall.

She put her hands all over me while we kissed. She pressed me so hard against the wall that I felt pain. I tried to pry her off but she is stronger than she looks. She wouldn't let me go.

"Sam, I got my- AHHH" cat walked into the room. Sam instantly pulled from me, leaving me relieved. "Tori- but- you kissed- Tori why are you kissing Sam?!?" Cat said with a little anger.

"I didn't! She kissed me!" I explain. "Why would you cheat on jade?!?" Cat started to get angry and cry. "I didn't!" I defended myself. "Uh I think you did, now since you and jade are over I can do this again!" Sam pulled me back into a strong kiss.

"Stop!" I mumble into the kiss, she tugged on me harder and backed me against the wall. I try to pry myself off of her as cat screams in fear. "Cat go away!" Sam shouted causing cat to run out, tears on her now red hot cheeks.

I wanted to go and tell her I didn't do it, I wanted to calm her down, I wanted to get this tough blonde off of me. Sam ran to the door and I sprinted for it, wanting to get out.

"Nah ah ah, no leaving" Sam grabbed my hand and locked the door with the other. "But I'm with jade! And no offense I don't like you like that!" I yelled. "Well, break up with your girlfriend, I need you!" Sam confessed.

"No! I am faithful to jade! And I love her!" I yell back. "Well, we'll see about that after tonight" Sam said as she took me over to her bed and lay me down. She began to thrust her hips onto mine, grinding slowly.

I felt something weird in her pants, it was poking out, almost as if it were to pop out of her pants. "Is that a..." I ask, not even finishing my sentence before she answers with a "yes" and smirks. I feel absolutely sick as she pins me to the bed. "You shouldn't do this! Somebody's gonna come looking for me!" I yell out in fear.

"Well until then your stuck with me, and if you tell anyone they won't believe you- it's all your fault Tori, you read the wrong hotel number." Sam told me. "I will fight!" I yell. "And I am Oprah, we both know you can't fight me" Sam smirked.

"Shut up!" I yelled as I used my only free hand to punch her in the face. She backed up a bit off of me. "You little shit!" She yelled grabbing her nose, there was blood on it- I guessed I caused it.

I stood up and swung at her again, missing terribly. She kicked me in the gut "Come in tori, I need you" Sam pressed against me. "No!" I punched her again "oh you've done it!" She punched my face in and I saw blackness.

Jade POV)

I sigh as I heave up the last of whatever stuff is in the suitcases cat wanted me to bring up. I walked to her room and knocked on the door. "Yea?" I could hear Sams voice weakly. "Is cat in there?" I ask through the door. "No, she just left" Sam told me. "Cats stuff is by the door" I say.

"K" I checked my phone and see cat texted me to go to the cafe in the hotel. I quickly texted tori and told her to come later if she wasn't tired of jet lag.

cat looked like she has been crying when she saw me. "Jade!" Cat said with too much enthusiasm even for her. "What's wrong cat?" I run up to her, hugging her.

"Nothing-" she paused "just Robbie again, he tried to play pirates with me" cat said plainly. "Okay well, I'm gonna order something" I shrug as I look at a menu. Cat just sighed and looked at her menu.

Cat POV)

I can't believe Tori would cheat on my best friend- with my other best friend! When jade came out to the cafe I had been crying due to feelings of betrayal and sadness for jade.

I decided not to tell jade and spare her feelings. I don't want her to feel sad, I remember when we were ten and her mom left her and her dad. Jade cried with me the night she left and told me that no matter what she didn't want to ever cry again.

That's when she started to be gothic, covering up her feelings and not letting them surface. She dosent talk about her mom because it brings pain of all kinds.

A month after, she still blamed herself for her mother's disappearance. She began to cut herself and hurt herself both emotionally and physically. I helped her through it and helped her change and stop harming herself.

A lot of people think I'm dumb just because I take medication to get over my own depression and problems, but I'm not and I'm not a oblivious as many think.

My parents left me for my brother last year and I felt as lonely as ever. I only had Nona and dice but other than that I felt alone. I had jade and Robbie but only at school, but that dosent fill the empty void in my life.

Jade still helped me even if she has a rough exterior. She only told me about her mom, I was like her anchor- her shoulder to cry on, and I couldn't let tori get to jade like her mom did or my parents got to me.

Never in a thousand years...

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