I forgot to tell you...

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(I'm wayyy to addicted to writing in this lol)
Tori POV)

*one week later*

Jade and I have been dating for one week, but nothing official yet. I guess we're taking this slow although I kinda wish we weren't.

"Hey babe, wanna go to the scissor factory at the mall and buy scissors after school?" Jade said while walking up to me, snipping her scissors every time she said a word of that sentence.

Normally I would be scared to bits, but she'll probably never hurt me- wait, did she just call me


I smiled brightly "sure!" I hug her. "Woa woa, what's up with the hug?" She asked as I got off of her. "You called me babe!" I smile. "Well, we have been dating for a week so I thought it would be weird to keep calling you Vega" jade shrugged.

"Well, either way I still like Vega" I smirk. "Well, I'll see you after school- babe" she smirked as she walked off. "I'll see you to, babe" I smirk back. I've never been happier than I am now.


"Can you turn the radio up?" I ask as we drove through the Hollywood heat. "Sure" jade smiled as she turned it up. I hum along to Mr DJ by Rihanna and jade belts out singing along to the song.

Her voice sounds so angelic but still goes hard at the same time. I sang along with her, trying to upstanding her because I wanted some competition-

Big mistake...

"Are you trying to upstand me?!?" She asked looking pissed. "Yea" I smirk. "Oh you should not have done that princess" she smirked. "And why not?" I snootily ask. "Oh you'll see when we get home" she smirked. I felt a lump in my throat and a little part of me being scared. What was she gonna do when we get home?

Before I have time to think, we arrive at the mall. Jade took my hand and bring me into the place I've never been in- for good reason. The scissor factory.

She dragged me over to a display case for a bunch of the scissoring scissors. "These were in the movie" she gasped. I smile at her surprised-ness. "We have to make an exact copy!" She exclaimed. She pulled me along by a string- every now and then zipping through the store and telling about every kind of scissor. I just nod and daydream most of the time.

"Tori? Tori!" Jade waved a hand in my face. "Mhm, yea jade?" I snap out. "Are you even listening?" She asked, looking frustrated. "No" I glum. "Alright, where do you want to go then?" She asked me.

"Hmmm, Hollister?" I suggest. "Okay- I could probably find something in there anyways." She told me. "Let's just go home, you look sad- I'm sorry" I apologize. "Why are you apologizing?" Jade asked. "Well, I'm making you feel bad about what you like" I shrug. "Your not- let's just go to..." jade looked around.

"Hot topic" we both say at the same time. "See, I knew we could agree on something." I giggle. Jade just nods and walked with me, smiling brightly.

We pass by hot topic "jade, why didn't we stop at hot topic?" I ask. "Because we're going somewhere special." She smirked as she pulled me into Spencer's. I nod no as she nods yes and takes me to the back isle. She covers my eyes and dosent let me see anything. "Wait outside" jade demanded "okay" I obey.

She comes out with a bag of things "what did you get?" I asked. "You'll see soon enough" she whispered. "For now, hot topic!" She smiled as if nothing weird happened just now.

"Okay" I shrug it off as we walk to hot topic. I buy a Katy Perry hoodie and a poster, yes I love Katy Perry! Jade buys a Dua Lipa t shirt, some vinyl records, and some chains that you strap onto your clothes.

We walk to the register where a woman who seemed to be in her teens was. "Oh hi" she smiled flirtatiously at jade. "Hi" jade said plainly. "This is all?" The girl asked as she took our stuff. "Yea" I said a bit glumly. "You have really good taste" she smiled at jade.

"Thanks I guess" jade shrugged. "So, are you dating anyone?" She lady asked. "She's dating me!" I yell at her. "Oh sorry" the girl said, obviously embarrassed. "You should be" jade added. Jade smirked at me and held my hand as we walked out.

"Let's go home, I'm kinda done shopping." I sigh. "Agreed" jade smirked. "Hey, what's up with the smirk?" I ask. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about" jade replied. I then remember what jade had said as we were driving to the mall, what did she mean by it?


We got to my house and walked in "mom! Dad! Trina!" I yell to see if they are home. I hear nothing except for jade and myself. "I'm guessing there out" I told jade. "That's good" jade smirked.

We walked up the stairs to my bedroom and opened the door. I set my bag down and start to take stuff out of it. I bent down to grab my poster. "Did you forget?" Jade asked me. "About what?" I ask.

Jade grabbed me by my waist and spun me around. She put me against the wall and smirked. "This" she said as she took out a weirdly shaped thing that was purple from behind her- it almost looks like- wait...

"What's that?" I ask shakily. "You'll find out right now" jade whispered as she attacked my lips. She bit my lip and I moaned into the kiss. She slipped her tongue down my throat and backed up for air.

Jade pushed me down onto my bed and sucked my neck harshly as I let out soft moans. She took my shirt off swiftly and cupped my breast. She then unclipped my bra and began to play with my nipples.

"Jade" I moan out, causing her to give me a smirk pleased of what she does to me. "Does that feel nice?" She almost teased. "Mhm" I smile stupidly. She began to trail down my waist and took off my jeans.

The cold air hit my almost fully exposed body. I feel a wave of fear rush over me as I remember one of the most important facts.

I'm a virgin...

My face goes into a panic as jade trailed her hands all over me, devouring my body with her eyes. She stopped all of a sudden "tori, what's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing" I lie. "I know there's something wrong" jade scoffed.

"Uhm... I'm a virgin" jade goes wide eyed when I say this. "Oh my god, I'm sorry- I didn't mean to pressure you" jade got off of me. "I'm just not ready, but you didn't pressure me" I explain lightly. "Well, I'll wait until you are Vega, until then- let's just watch a movie." Jade suggests.

"Sure" jade walked out while I was face palming myself for not telling her earlier on. I got up and out my clothes back on, the went down to the living room with jade.

Baby doll~JoriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz