People collapse all the time

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Tori POV)


My head felt like it was gonna explode like a bomb at any second. "Ow" I held my head as my eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light. I was in my hotel room...

I slowly get off of the bed, only to fall quickly onto the ground with a thump. "Ah" I slightly groaned of pain. I crawled for my bag, which was miraculously in the room- in fact all the luggage was in the room.

I got a Tylenol for my head and just lay there on the floor.

Once the Tylenol kicked in I could stand up without feeling as much pain. I stood up and walked to the bathroom slowly, leaving the door open. I gasp at my image in the mirror. I look like I had a flight with a bear.

How did I even end up in my room? The last thing I remember is cat crying and-

Sam told her to leave...

All if the memories came back to me in a flash. I felt seriously light headed and vulnerable. I should see if she left any bruises on me...

I lift my shirt up to see she did in fact, and there were cuts on my stomach. Once I had taken off all my clothes, I realized I had bruises everywhere. I scream in horror at my body and what Sam had done to it.

"Tori?!?" A panicked jade burst into the room. "Uh nothing" I closed the door and quickly turned on the shower. My thoughts roamed my head.

Maybe I should tell jade? Nah jade would hate me for giving up my virginity to someone who isn't her... shit shit shit- uhm maybe Andre- no... I have to tell jade!

"You okay tori? I just got back from the cafe with cat." "Uhm Yea, but we need to talk in a minute" I choke out. "O- okay" jade said a bit dumbfounded of why I would want to talk.

I stepped out of the shower and the pain decided that would be the best time to kick in. I fell to the floor in a ball capsule position, hugging my knees. "Tori?" Jade walked into the the bathroom. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" She tried to help me up but it was useless. I couldn't move unless someone carried me and I was too heavy for jade.

"I'm gonna call the ambulance- hang in there" she hurried off to her phone. "Hello- yes, I have an emergence! Get help now!" Jade yelled. "Their coming right now! Just stay with me" jade pleaded. She started to cry hysterically at me as she tried to put me in some clothes before the paramedics came.

I couldn't move- I felt paralyzed. The only thing I could move was my arms and face. It felt like I was stuck and I was in a cage- somehow almost like torture. I blacked out just as I heard the sirens.

I managed to write a bit today because I felt better but it's a cliffhanger sooooo I'm sorry but it had to be done. The next chapter is in five days lol.

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