Chapter 27: Alexia

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Chapter 27: Alexia

3 months later

I was finally going back. It had been three months since I'd left the academy to live with Amabel and Irene. When I'd approached them with a small suitcase of what I deemed necessary, they greeted me with open arms.

Amabel had helped me get a job at a local shop but refused me paying any sort of rent. Instead, I just saved up, so that I could figure out what to do with my future.

Today though, I was heading back to the academy for a reevaluation of my suspension. I'd tried my best to distance myself from what I had done and what I'd lost, but there were still days I'd cried over Auden and, to an extent Della.

When I arrived back at the academy, I was greeted with a huge hug from Daren. He'd chosen to stay at the academy for my suspension though he occasionally came to visit.

After Daren pulls away, Hunter is quick to pull me into one. He smiled down at me. "How are you doing, Lex?" he asks.

I grin. "I'm doing good. Better than I was. You?"

"That's good! Yeah, I've been doing well too. Darcy took me to meet her parents last week, so that was fun," Hunter says.

I laugh. "So things are getting pretty serious between you two?" I ask.

He looks away with a blush and a soft smile. "Yeah, I guess so."

I lightly punch his shoulder. "Nice, man."

He shoots me a grin before nodding his head to the school. "Come on time to talk to Cloak," he says.

I nod, and we walk down the familiar or slightly familiar path to Cloak's office. Small things had changed. Instead of the rows of legends labeled under Major or minor, they were just labeled as legends.

When we arrive at his office, Hunter and Daren wave before taking their leave. I knock on the closed door before opening it at the "come in."

Inside, Mr. Cloak looks up at me with a smile. "Alexia, it's been a second. How are you doing? Please take a seat."

"I'm doing good," I tell him.

He nods, "now down to business. I've talked with both Daren and Hunter as well as Amabel and her family about your suspension, and they all agree that it should be lifted," he explains. "They all feel like you've grown and are in a better place than you were three months ago. Would you agree?"

"Yeah, I think I've been able to learn more about myself and heal," I tell Mr. Cloak honestly. "However, I don't think the academy is the right place for me. I'm not sure it ever was. I don't think I'm the hero type like Hunter and Auden, and even Daren are. I always did it out of obligation rather than the want to do good and help people," I start.

If Mr. Cloak is surprised, he doesn't show it as he waves his hand for me to continue.

I take a deep breath as I filter through all the things I had been thinking about over the past few months. Finally, though, I start. "I just think that this isn't the lifestyle for me. I need something quieter; I'd prefer to help people in a more community-based setting rather than being seen as a superhero if that makes sense," I say, "I've been saving up. I'd like to move to Cliffside and maybe open up a shop or something I don't know."

He nods. "If that's what you want to do, I'd love to support you in that. Like I said, everyone I've talked to agrees that you've grown, and with that, your suspension is lifted. However, I agree that this isn't the right place for you. It was never the right environment for you to prosper, and I'm sorry for that," Cloak explains.

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