Chapter 25: Alexia

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Chapter 25: Alexia

All I can feel is the buzz and rush of wind in my veins. When my team got into the building, I'd immediately locked on Della, who tried to run. I followed her outside.

I threw my wind at her and knocked her off her feet. She tried to scramble away as I stalked towards her, but it wasn't any use. She was the reason my best friend was dead. Lissa may have killed Auden, but this girl was the reason Lissa was there at all.

My wind is buzzing through me icily. I reach out and do something I've never done before. I focus on the air in her lungs and pull. She gasps as the air slowly leaves her body. She clutches her throat as she desperately tries to suck in air that just won't come. I watch, feeling nothing as her face slowly turns blue and the life fades out of her.

She finally fades completely, and I'm interrupted from my nothingness by slow clapping. I turn around, and there's Lissa with a smug smile on her face. "Didn't know you had it in you."

I smirk. "Don't worry, you'll experience it soon first hand."

"We'll see," she says, and with that, we start circling each other. We pull our powers around us until the entire world feels like it's just us—a clash of wind and lightning.

I don't really remember the words spoken, but I do remember that if I hadn't been freezing cold, they would have made me boil with rage.

I don't know which of us turns our circling into a battle, but one of us does, and it's soon blow after blow. Lissa forms a blade of lightning that she comes at me with. I use the movement time to push my wind densely together to form a blade of my own that I use to block her blow.

I grunt at the force and focus on keeping the blade away from my vital organs. Lissa uses the opportunity to slam her foot into my chest, throwing me backward. The wind catches me, and I'm back on my feet, charging at her with a scream in seconds.

She expects my sword and not my fist in her face. She falls to the ground cupping a bloody nose as I put my blade to her neck, fully ready to drag it across and end her, but before I can, a hand on my shoulder pulls me away.

I go to throw another punch but stop when I see that it's a wide-eyed Hunter. "Don't. Don't ruin yourself with becoming a murderer," he tells me.

I can't help but glance at Della's body as I respond. "I'm already ruined."

He tightly closes his eyes and sighs before reopening them. "We'll figure it out, but instead of killing her, we're going to take her to the prison with the rest of the legends," he says.

I nod and turn sharply as a branch cracks behind us. Lissa is raising her lightning sword, ready to strike when Vines shoot from the ground and trap her entire body. "It's over, Lissa," he says.

She ignores his words and lets out hysterical screams as she struggles against the bindings. I stand there staring at her as the cold finally leaves my body and is replaced by the warmth of summer.

It isn't too long before Kaisyn runs out sweating and out of breath she looks pale, but she opens a portal, and Hunter pushes Lissa in before nodding me through. I walk in only to appear in the main courtyard, where most of our legends are sorting through the prisoners.

I turn back to the still-open portal to wait for Hunter. He appears with a woosh, and my eyes are drawn to Della's body in his arms. His eyes are sad as he looks at me, and I realize there's some disappointment as well.

He walks to Mr. Cloak, and they whisper and look at me. It's very clear that they're talking about me, but my attention is torn as arms are thrown around me. I have to stop myself from throwing a punch when I see Daren's floppy dirty blonde hair.

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