Chapter 16: Alexia

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Chapter 16: Alexia

"Alexia!" I'm awakened by my brother busting through the door with Hollis on his tail. I sit up and get out of bed quickly.

"Daren, what's wrong?" I demand.

"Hunter, I don't know where he is. We were making out, and he came in, and then he left, and he hasn't come back, and it's been a couple hours. What if something happened?" he says, seeming distraught.

"We'll go look for him. Did you have one of your feelings?" I ask. As I bring us outside of my room.

He shakes his head, "I don't think so."

I nod, a bit of relief flowing through me. "Ok. That's good, let's go find him. Maybe he went for a walk," I suggest. We begin to scour the campus, first checking the Major Legend courtyard and moving outward from there.

When we eventually find him, he's lying on the edge of a cliff, fast asleep with Darcy halfway on top of him also asleep. I walk up to them quietly, with Daren and Hollis right behind me. The light stain on Hunter's cheeks matches Darcy's lipstick and startles a snort out of me. He got a girl quick.

Hollis notices too and nudges Daren. "Looks like they were 'cuddling' too," he says with quotation marks on cuddling. Daren flushes and looks down. I roll my eyes. What weirdos.

"They really picked a safe place to sleep, didn't they?" I mutter, looking at their legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. I sigh and call my wind to me, lifting the two into the air and away from each other.

"Let's get them back in their rooms," I tell the boys. They nod and follow me as I take their floating forms back to the dorms.

I start with Daren and get him in his bed before heading to my hall with Darcy. I knock lightly on her door, and a sleepy-eyed Willow answers. She notices Darcy's floating form and steps aside so that I can float her to her bed.

Willow gives me a nod as I leave and collapse in my own bed as soon as I get to my dorm. Exhaustion overwhelms me, and I'm asleep in seconds.

The day had been long; as Hunter and Auden went to clean up the fight, I was charged with finding as many of the legends from the book as I could.

After leaving the office, I'd spent an hour in my room jotting down who was still alive and wasn't already at the academy. I threw their last seen location next to it. The list was smaller than I'd expected, with only 5 Legends meeting the criteria.

A sigh, a quick change of clothes, and a boat ride later led me not to our usual meeting place in LoPrine, but to Cranbear Town, which was known for its farming and calming nature. It led the nation in food production and supported millions through its small farms.

I wandered through the town, occasionally glancing down at my notes for the address. The town was bustling as people moved to and from shops. I kept getting stares, and I knew it was because I happened to be a well-known Legend—a fact I found to be inconvenient most of the time. However, today it worked in my favor.

Two women walked up to be both in a little over-the-top cowboy outfits, if you ask me. "Miss. Stormblade, we were told you were lurking around here," the older one says with a southern drawl that's common for around here and a grin that I quickly return.

"Amabel, long time no see! What are you doing all the way out here?" I ask after a quick hug.

"Well, you know, after the fire, I decided me and Irene needed a fresh start," she pats the younger girl's arm as she talks, "so we moved out here and started a farm, and I ended up running for Sheriff, and you know here we are."

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