Chapter 3: Alexia

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Chapter 3: Alexia

I stalk out of Auden's room, down the hall to my room. I throw the papers on a desk and pace the room.

It isn't Hunter's fault that I hate him. He just hit my weakest point. My brother.

There are very few things I care about in this world. So much so I can count them on one hand. Those things are first, my brother. He's the only family I have left. Then, Auden, my one and only friend, and lastly, getting out of this hellhole they call a school.

I can't do this right now! I open my 3-story high window and stand on the sill. Then, I fall straight forward. I'm plummeting towards the ground with my eyes closed. Just as suddenly as I started falling, I stop, and I shoot high up into the sky.

The feeling of icy cold wind whips through my bloodstream; my powers are at large. The colder the wind, the more of my ability I'm using. Guess I'm using a lot.

I don't care; the feeling is empowering. It makes me stronger. It clears my head of all the thoughts and stress. I could lie in the wind's embrace for hours, but I know I can't, so I let it set me back down in bed.

With my head clear, I fall asleep instantly.

When I wake up, I shrug on some clothes and walk downstairs to where Auden is waiting with a cup of coffee.

I grab it and down it quickly.

"Wow, easy there! How are you feeling?" he asks.

"Better, I guess. Let's just get this day over with, please," I say.

"Hey, Lex!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Daren and Hunter approaching.

I do my best not to glare at Hunter; I really do. I probably fail miserably by the startled look on his face.

"Hey, Daren, are you going to school?" I ask.

"Yeah, in a second. Auden wanted to meet us here," Daren says, smiling his goofy smile.

I glance at Auden. He shoots me an apologetic look, and I know I'm going to hate what he says next.

"Alexia and I were thinking maybe the four of us could go out to the mainland for a while tonight. If you guys wanted to?" Auden asks.

Yup, I was right. I'm going to kill him.

"Really! Can we? That would be awesome!" Daren says he looks at me for validation, and I force myself to nod.

Hunter smiles, "Thank you for the invite," he says to both of us. I nod, gritting my teeth.

They both leave, walking towards Hunter's class. As soon as they're out of sight, I turn around and punch Auden in the arm. Hard.

"What the heck!" I demand, "I did not agree to that!"

"I was just trying to help! I'm sorry ok! I knew you wouldn't agree unless you had to. I think it will be good for all of us. We haven't hung out with Daren in forever," Auden says.

"I'm fine going out with Dare; I don't want to go with Hunter," I say.

Auden shrugs. "Too late now. Let's go; we still have to teach that class."

I repress my anger and nod. We walk to the class where everyone is already there. Mr. Markus nods as we walk in.

I automatically notice how few people are still in class. More than half are gone. Maybe about nine are still here. Hunter included.

"Alexia, Auden, I think you guys should work together with all of the students, alright?" Mr. Markus asks.

"Sure, Mr. Markus," Auden says with a smile. He turns to the students, "Alright, everyone, please head outside so we can begin.

When we're all outside, one of the girls I'd seen Hunter talking to earlier approaches me. "Hi, Miss. Alexia, can I work with you?" she asks. I nod curtly and start to help her.

All the while, I watch as Auden attempts to train Hunter. He's failing badly. But he's trying; he really is.

If he really is going to change, we might as well get it over with.

Once I've made up my mind, I leave the girl and storm over to him. Once I'm about three feet from him, I lift my hand and throw my wind at him. It slams him back into the school wall.

He looks at me, somewhat fearful. I follow him holding him slightly above the ground with my wind.

"You don't belong here." I hiss at him.

"Yes, I do," He growls.

I shove the wind against him harder. His head hits the wall, but he still watches me quietly.

"No. You. Do. Not. If you did, you could stop me from doing this." I slam him against the wall again.

"Stop me!" I yell at him. My wind is roaring around us so fast and loud that all I can see is him. The other students aren't there anymore; it's just him and me.

I kept pummeling him with the wind.

"Stop me!" I scream.

He glares at me. "I can't."

"You're weak," I say, just loud enough for him to hear. I turn away from him and start to walk away.

That's when I feel the change.

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