Chapter 9: Lissa

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He turned me down. I can't believe he turned me down. Then he wanted us to still be ok? Why did he say no?

They corrupted him...

I stand up pissed, I look to where Hunter was, but he's gone. Did he leave me? Electricity begins crackling around me.

They corrupted him. We should ruin them...

I take a deep breath as giggles erupt from my lips. I bring my trembling hand to my lips as another round of giggles ensues. The electricity has become stronger and begun zapping the air around me.

I try to resist the hysterical laughter bubbling in my stomach and chest that's threatening to overpower me.

It's a battle I lose.

The electric power rushing through my veins is quickly overwhelming me to the point it's almost painful.

I fall to my knees, curling into myself, laughing hysterically as tears stream down my cheeks. The air is suffocating me with my own electricity

I can't take it anymore. I shove the electricity outward with as much force as I can. The water in the fountain next to me starts to hiss and boil as the voltage hits it. That's only a few seconds, and then there are loud cracks as the concrete of the fountain splits in multiple places. It sends out a wave of dust as well as the steam of the water.

I continue to laugh for a while, staring at the destruction I had caused. Finally, the laughing subsides, and I just sit there.

Wipe your tears. We can cause that much destruction and more to his precious school if it means more to him than us.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and stand up on trembling legs. A soft smile gracing my lips. Yes. If the Legends think they can take my brother and corrupt him against me without me retaliating, they have another thing coming.

I will destroy everything they love. Their home, their friends, the world they protect. Everything.

We're coming for them.

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