Chapter 14: Alexia

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Chapter 14: Alexia

I felt lighter than I think I've ever been, and I don't think it has much to do with the weight of the hair that I'd lost though that didn't hurt either. It felt as though the hair was a start to actually living rather than dwelling on the past.

Hunter and I finally reached the academy, and I tell him I've decided to walk him back to his room, so I can see Daren.

We arrive at his dorm, and I have to say I'm quite surprised by what I see when the door opens. Daren is lying on the bed with Hollis hovering over him as they make out.

Neither seems to notice the door opening, and after a minute of Hunter and I standing frozen, I clear my throat, causing the two to jump apart, both breathing rather heavily.

Daren looks up and immediately flushes as he curses. "I-I thought you'd be home later," he mumbles, leaning into a slightly less mortified Hollis. He then does a double-take squinting slightly. "Did you get a haircut?"

"Yes. Don't change the subject. So you thought because we weren't supposed to be back that it was a good idea to sneak a non-legend onto the island? Really?" I demand, brushing my hair out of my face.

"It looks good, and yeah, I thought it was a good idea. I never see my boyfriend outside of school, and I'd like him to be a part of my life. My full life which includes Legend's Academy. We wouldn't be as close as we are if you'd hidden that you're a legend. We don't keep secrets, and that's what I want in Hollis and I's relationship," he exclaims, and I can't help but wince.

As observant as ever, Daren is quick to notice and is instantly suspicious, "what?"

I can't hide this from him anymore.

"Daren, I think we should talk. Alone."

Hunter gets the hint. "Hollis, why don't I show you around?" Hollis glances at Daren, who gives a sharp nod, still focused on me. Hunter leads Hollis out of the room, and I'm alone with my brother. This is the first time that that has ever felt like a bad thing.

The minute the door shuts, Daren starts the conversation I've been putting off for years. "What are you hiding from me?"

I take a deep breath. "Look. At the time, this felt like the right decision, but I understand that this is your life, and you deserve to make choices regarding it."

His eyes widen. "This is about me?"

"Yeah," I say with a nod. "I'm sorry, I just don't really know how to say it."

"Just say it."

So without hesitation for fear that I'll stop myself, I say it.

"You're a Legend."

"I'm sorry, what?" he asks, head tilted, and I don't think he really comprehended what I had said.

"Daren, you are an intuitive legend, and I didn't tell you because I was scared, and I'm really sorry," I tell him, hoping he doesn't hate me too much. I brace for his yelling, but it doesn't come.

"Is that why -with the impulses?" he asks, and I nod.

He seems to perk up as he jumps up from where he's sitting on the bed to begin pacing. "So like what? I can see the future? How long have you known?"

I answer the last question first. "Since we got here."

He pauses for a second before continuing his pacing. "Long time."

I breathe out a sigh, "yeah."

"And the other question? Can I see the future?"

"I don't think so; it's more of just nudges in the right direction, at least from what we've seen so far," I tell him.

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