Chapter 15: Hunter

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Chapter 15: Hunter

I never realized how boring staring at the ceiling for over an hour would be. I mean, I guess I could get out of bed and do something, but that means realizing that I can't use my powers. Ugh.

30 minutes later, Daren hesitantly walks in. "Um, are you ready to get up? It's been a while, and you have class," he asks, fiddling slightly. He probably blames himself for what happened. Fantastic. I have to deal with what happened and convince people it wasn't their fault.

I groan and push myself up, relieved that at the very least my arms don't feel like they're on fire. Small wins.

"Daren, just so we don't have to deal with this later, it wasn't your fault."


"Not your fault. I don't have the energy to argue about it," I tell him, feeling slightly bad after I say it.

"Well, you'd think after being hit by lightning, you'd have a lot of energy," he snarks before slapping his hand over his mouth. "Sorry, that was insensitive."

I chuckle and shake my head. "Let's get ready."

I fumble through my drawer until I find the one and only long sleeve shirt I own. I pull it on so that my new scars are covered, and I can try to ignore it.

Daren notices and frowns. "I think the scars are cool," he says.

I shrug. "I'd rather not be reminded that my sister is evil and tried to kill me," I say a little harsher than I meant.

Daren's eyes widen, and he nods. "Ok."

I grab my backpack and head for the door. "You coming?" I ask. He nods and scampers to grab his own stuff, a small smile on his face as he rushes out the door in front of me.

We walk outside, and he waves as he runs to the boat. A genuine smile crosses my face as I wave back. He's a good kid.

All too soon, I arrive at my Advanced Legend's history class. At least here, I won't have to use my powers or explain why I can't. I stay in my seat quieter than usual, and my table partner Nora keeps sending me concerned glances. I know I should try to act normal so people stop worrying about me, but it seems overwhelming to step out of my emotions and lie about them.

So instead of trying, I don't. Instead, I lean back in my chair and zone out stories I'd been hearing since I was a kid.

My zoning-out lasts a good three minutes before the teacher walks over and taps my desk. I look away from the ceiling expecting to be chewed out for not paying attention. It doesn't happen; she just sends me a sympathetic smile, "Mr. Cloak would like to see you in his office, Hunter," she tells me.

I nod and throw my backpack over my shoulder, heading down the halls to his office.

Auden and Alexia are waiting outside the office. They smile when I approach. "Ready to go in?" Auden asks.

"What's this for?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Yesterday. We need to figure out our plan going forward," Auden says, confirming my suspicions. I hold back my sigh and nod.

After a brief knock, the office door opens, revealing Mr. Cloak, "come on in guys, take a seat."

We do as he says, and he sits across from us. He takes a second to settle himself before clasping his hands together in front of him on the desk. It's silent for a minute before he says, "are you guys ok?"

He asks the question to all of us, but his eyes stay on me as he waits for an answer. The other two look at me, as well. Great. I actually have to answer.

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