Hour 7

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I almost did a happy dance when I figured it out. I was upset though because I had no idea how we were gonna get Johannes back. I only knew how to avoid getting scratched. Not how to turn someone back once they've been scratched.
I needed to call Robert.
   I stood up and looked down at Johannes.
" I need to go do something. Y'all good here?" I asked.
   They both nodded their heads.
As I walked out of the cave I looked down the hill at Alex and Clariece who were filling everyone's bottles with water. I walked a little far away from the cave so no one could hear me. Especially Johannes.
" Hey, dad I need your help."
   Robert scoffed and folded his arms.
" Mya I sent you there to fix problems not to come to me about more problems,
" he replied.
   I rolled my eyes. " Do you know how to fix someone who has been scratched?"
" Tell me no one got scratched..."
" No one got scratched," I said sarcastically.
" Mya!" he yelled.
" I know, I know. You sent me here to protect these kids who don't even know how to fight. It's not my fault they can't hold up their own." I said.
   He groaned and began to pace back and forth.
" I don't know how to change them back at the moment. For now, don't let them know you know they're scratched."
" That was my plan. I think I can use them to figure out a way to navigate through the ship." I said.
" Ok well, you need to get back to the mission Mya. You know what we gotta get done."
   I nodded my head and ended the call. When I got back to the cave it seemed like Alex and Clariece had just got there because they were sitting down the bottles down on the ground.
" You take the spile out the tree?" I asked.
" No Mya, I left it in the tree," Clariece responded.
" A simple yes or no would have sufficed," I said sternly.
   Clariece reached in her pocket then handed me the spile.
   After that, I sat down with Johannes and finished helping him fix my drone. I noticed that he had a small chip that he put in my drone. Half my told myself to stop him from fixing my drone but also I needed him to get us inside that ship. Also, where would he have gotten that chip? I decided to let the fact that he put a chip in my drone slide and finished fixing the drone with him.

" Thank god. Are y'all finally done?" Clariece asked.
" It was in half Clariece. You say finally as we took longer than we should have." I responded.
" We've been sitting in this cave forever," she said.
" We were in this cave to aid Bryson and because we had to fix my drone that was in half. It was in two separate pieces. Let me remind you that without this drone we won't know how to navigate the ship." I explained.
" Yeah, Clariece why are you complaining so much?" Alex asked.
   She took a step back from Alex and looked at her with disbelief.
" So you're siding with her?" she questioned.
" You have been complaining about everything. I'd rather sit in this cave than fight those aliens." Alex snapped back.
   Bryson groaned and held his hand out for someone to grab. Alex grabbed his arm and pulled him off the ground.
" She's right Clariece. Chill out. We're really in no rush. I mean we could stop these aliens tomorrow for all I care. I'm tired." said Bryson.
" Of course you'd side with her. She's your girlfriend."
   Johannes got up off the ground and stood next to me.
" So what's your plan, Mya?" he asked.
   I looked at him and sighed.
" We need to figure out a way to get into the ship."
" I think we had the same issue on our last mission," said Bryson.
   Alex looked at himself as if she was trying to mentally go back to the moment he was talking about.
" We found another door though," she added.
" Well is there another door?" Johannes asked.
" I didn't see one," I responded.
   Johannes gave me this look. A look that asked me to check again.
" But there's no harm in checking again," I said.
   I put my drone on the ground and pulled up the 3-D blueprint of the ship. I double-checked every single area to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I saw no back door. The only door there was the door that had the scanner.
" I don't see another door," I said.
   Everyone sighed in disappointment. I picked up my drone and put it in my bag.
" Any ideas?" Alex asked.
" Well, what kind of scanner is it?" Clariece asked.
" I could be wrong but it looks like it was a full-body scanner," I responded.
" Like an alien body scanner?" Bryson asked.
    I nodded my head.
" The only idea I have is to kill an alien and use its body to get in."
" What!" Johannes questioned.
   I had forgotten for a split second that he was controlled by those aliens until he was applauded by my idea. He had to be careful with his next words because I know that he doesn't want us to know he's being controlled by an alien.
" You don't like the idea?" I asked. Daring him to reveal his true colors.
   His eyes widened, then he smiled and shook his head.
" No of course not. That idea just caught me off guard," he reassured.
   I nodded my head and looked over at Bryson and Alex.
" I'm good with the idea," Alex confirmed.
" So how are we gonna carry a whole alien to the entrance of their ship without being caught?" Bryson asked.
" I have an idea. Y'all won't like it though I said.
   After that left the cave and entered the forest again to continue our mission. While we were wandering through the forest it began to rain. It made it a little hard to see because the dirty water that dripped from our faces into our eyes burned.
   " So where are we going exactly?" Bryson asked while having one of his hands over his eyes so rain wouldn't get into them.
   I continued to walk as I looked left and right for an alien.
" We need an alien to get into the ship."
" Right, so we're alien hunting," said Clariece.
" I guess. More like waiting for an alien to find us so we can fight it." I said.
" What if a bunch come?" Alex asked.
   I stopped walking and turned around.
" Then we run..."
   I nodded my head and turned back around.
" Ok so guide me through the plan. We walk around the forest like an alien dinner, kill the alien that wants to make us dinner, carry them to the ship and get in," said Bryson.
" Yes sir," I responded.
" So we have yet to establish part 4," he stated.
" That was more of we will figure it out along the way," I replied.
" A figure it out along the, you're supposed to be the expert at this survival stuff!" Bryson fumed.
" Even the experts guess sometimes!" I yelled back.
" Guys, guys! Let's lower the heated meter." Clariece chimed in.
" Shut up Clariece!" Bryson and I yelled.

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