Hour 5

3 1 0

We all stood there angry because we just barely defeated one of the aliens and then three more pop up out of nowhere.

" Oh my god guys, the five of us barely took on one, how in the world are we gonna take on three?" Johannes yelled.

" We need to come up with a plan and fast!" Clariece yelled.

I looked at Mya for directions but she stood there defensively as she looked at the three aliens who were also waiting for us to make a move.

" Do they have a weak spot?" Bryson asked.

" We can make that our mission for right now," said Mya.

We all nodded our heads and got our weapons out. I got out a staff like everyone else except Bryson. He got out a gun.

" Bryson and Clariece go for an alien, Johannes and Alex you go for an Alien. Try and find its weakness. Once you do, yell it and we all go for it." Mya explained.

Bryson and Clariece ran towards an alien, Mya darted towards an alien and Johannes headed towards the last alien. I extended my staff and followed behind him.

All three of the aliens screeched and fluttered their wings. I looked at the other three as they fought their creatures until,

" ALEX!" Johannes yelled.

I directed my attention towards Johannes who was looking at something above me. I looked up and saw the alien's pointy arm fly towards my head. I gasped and ducked to the ground. I pressed the button on the side of my staff which released the knife hidden inside the staff and stabbed its arm. The monster let out a horrific cry and hit Johannes with its other arm and sent him slamming into the ground.

" Johannes!" I yelled.

I growled and ran behind the alien and stabbed in between its wings. A large amount of purple, gooey fluid spluttered out from the alien. The creature let out a gurgling sound as if it was choking on a liquid. Then it hit me.

" In between its wings!" I yelled.

I took the staff from out of the alien's neck and stabbed it again. Its wings retracted and the creature ran off into the forest. I stood there with the aliens' blood all over my face. I attempted to wipe the liquid off of me, but it only removed a small amount. I sighed and walked over to Johannes who was lying on the ground unconscious. I grabbed his face and aggressively moved his head from side to side.

" Johannes wake up," I said worriedly.

Tears began to pool in my eyes as I continued to try and wake up Johannes. I looked up and saw that Bryson and Clariece had just killed their creature and Mya looked like she was winning the fight with hers.

Suddenly Johannes gasped for air and looked around panicky.

" Oh my gosh, are you ok?" I asked.

Johannes nodded his head rapidly.

I looked down at his arm that was cut. I immediately got up off the ground and glared at him. He looked at me with a puzzled look then look down at his arm.

" I scratched it when I landed on the ground," he said.

I sighed and smiled. I held my hand out and helped him get up off the ground.

" Did we defeat them?" he asked.

I shook my head, " I figured out a way to injure them quickly, but as soon as I did that, ours ran away."

We both looked back at the others who were covered in blood just like me.

" We need to get out of here now," Mya said sternly.

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