Epilogue, Twelve Years Later

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3rd Person POV

Azur Lane Beach

"Heads up!"

Striker and Hornet ducked, and a siren drone flew overhead, a young boy with brown hair, red eyes, and two fox ears on his head balancing on top of the drone, two Carrier decks in a V across his back, and two Cruiser-like hulls at his sides.

"Sorry, Uncle Striker!" Stygian called, brushing sand off his fox ears, as Striker and Hornet got to their feet.

"Sorry about that," Orochi apologized as he and Amagi walked over, their feet sinking into the soft sand of the beach as the sun gleamed overhead. "He's been trying to fly on his drone ever since he saw Enterprise do it."

A loud crash sounded as Stygian smashed into the surf, his Siren drone splashing down next to him and dissolving. "I'm okay!"

"Come on, Stygian," a girl roughly nine years old whined, her black hair and violet eyes gleaming as she ran over and pulled Stygian to his feet. "You crashed again?"

"You try balancing on one of my drones, Avisa," Stygian groaned.

"Dude, we've been doing that since day one," Shrikethorn commented, sitting on his F22 as it hovered in the air, his black hair and green eyes gleaming in the sunlight as waves crashed across the surf.

"Just because you're taught by Kaga doesn't mean anything," Stygian protested.

"Yeah, it kind of does," Avisa pointed out.

"Look, all three of you are a pain in the aft as it is," Striker said, stepping between them. "So why don't you three go and have some fun and use Purifier over there as target practice."

Purifier, who was playing around on her rigging over the sea, froze as she saw all three kids turn to her. "Uh oh."

"Get her!" Avisa shouted and charged across the sand. Jumping into the air, she summoned her rigging, a Carrier deck appearing at her side as two turrets rose over her shoulders.

Exchanging grins with Stygian, Shrikethorn followed the Battlecarrier, summoning his riggings as well and charging after his sister.

"They're never gonna get tired of using Purifier as target practice, are they?" Amagi asked in amusement, as Stygian summoned a drone and sent it flying at Purifier.

"Nope," Hornet agreed as the four of them sat down on the beach, watching as the two Battlecarrier twins and Stygian (for whom they still hadn't figured a class) chased after Purifier.

"How are Wisconsin and your other sisters, Striker?" Amagi asked curiously.

"Doing another survey of the original factions," Striker replied. "Turns out, Wisconsin is as good at breaking up arguments as Missouri is at starting them."

"That's saying something," Orochi snorted.

"How're the Sirens holding up?" Hornet asked.

"Dreamweaver's still in command," Orochi replied. "To be honest, I don't think anyone's challenged her yet because they're scared of Purifier."

A flash of light caught their attention as a missile slammed into Purifier in a massive explosion. "Oh, come on!" Purifier complained.

"Yeah, they're definitely scared of a Siren who can get defeated by three kids," Striker deadpanned.

"Whatever the case, no one has challenged Dreamweaver, and the five factions are at peace," Amagi said softly, taking Orochi's hand in her own and resting her head on his shoulder.

"Guess so," Hornet agreed, placing a hand on Striker's and leaning her head on his shoulder. "It's hard to believe that after twelve years, we've still got peace."

"Talk about a miracle," Striker commented as he looked out at where the three kids were playing a game of 'who can land the most planes on Purifier's head.' "You know, I'm glad that Dreamweaver brought me here. If it weren't for her, none of this would have been possible."

"Amen to that," Orochi agreed. Raising his voice, he called, "Stygian! Aim for the eyes!"

"Got it!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Purifier shrieked.

"You just had to tell them where to aim," Amagi sighed and dragged Orochi to his feet, a playful gleam in her eyes. "We'd better go stop that... and show them how it's truly done."

"You read my mind," Orochi agreed, and the two jumped into the water, summoning their rigging and skidding over to where the three Battlecarriers were blasting Purifier with their cannons.

"They grow up so fast," Hornet said, wiping a 'tear' from her eye.

"Yeah, well, they learned from the best," Striker agreed, giving her a quick kiss before looking back toward the sea as waves crashed against the beach, and the sun shone brightly overhead.

Guess that old saying is true, Striker thought as he leaned his head on Hornet's. War may never change no matter the era... but we can.

The End.

(A/N) Hello Everyone, I hope you all enjoyed Striker's and Orochi's little oneshot. If you want to see more of my characters, then check out my character bios, my Bloopers & Extras Reel (Coming this Summer... hopefully. Dante may also make an appearance.), or come check out my newest story at https://www.wattpad.com/story/276945661-rwby-rising-phoenix centered around Phoenix. I promise you, it will be worth your time.

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