Chapter 6: Swords and Honor

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3rd Person POV

Azur Lane

Groaning, Striker opened his eyes, looking up at the ceiling of his room located in the captain's cabin of his ship. It had been two days since the breech of the blockade and the successful recovery of the two maid ships and the Sakuran repair ship, Akashi.

Sighing, Striker rolled off his hammock, but his legs tangled in his blanket, and he fell to the floor below.

"Ouch," he groaned and got off the ground. Dusting himself off, he glanced at the two halves of Takao's sword resting on his desk. After returning from the battle, he had polished the sword before setting it on the desk. He didn't know much about blacksmithing, but he had a feeling that maybe a Sakuran ship would know how to repair it. He had tried to ask Akashi but found her too irritating.

Shaking his head and sighing, he left his room, walked up to his deck, and started checking his turrets.

"Looks like A, B, and C are good," he muttered. "Rails are in line, and the secondaries are straight. Some scuffing, but I can wash that out."

He looked up at the sky. "I should probably get something to eat," he muttered. "It's almost noon."

Jumping off his deck, he landed on the docks and started walking toward the academy. Pushing the doors open, he headed to the lunchroom. "Hey, Nevada," he greeted, nodding at the blond Battleship standing behind the food counter.

"Striker, good to see you," she greeted happily as Striker picked up a tray. "What do you want today?"

"Just some apple pancakes and some sausage," Striker replied. "Think you can hook me up, Sheila?"

"You got it."

As Nevada put the order on a plate, Vestal and Hornet entered.

"Hey, Striker!" Vestal called, running over and hugging him as best she could due to her smaller size.

"Howdy, Sheila," Striker replied, returning the gesture.

Vestal stepped back, and Hornet walked over. "Oh no, you're not getting off that easily."

She hugged him tightly, and Striker laughed. "This gonna be our thing now?"

"Shut up." Hornet pulled back and punched him in the shoulder. "About time ya started eating with us. I was worried you were gonna end up like... Enterprise..." She trailed off, looking over at the corner of the room as Nevada handed the three of them their food.

Striker turned and saw Enterprise eating at a table with Belfast.

"It seems to me, Enterprise is starting to open up a little bit," Vestal commented as she, Hornet, and Striker sat down.

"Well, it's about darn time," Hornet commented, taking a bite out of her bacon. "So, Striker, you have food like this in your world?"

"I was a ship, remember?" Striker asked in amusement. "But yeah, we had some food like that in my ship's mess hall. To be honest, I was mostly mad that I couldn't have any pancakes. Until now, that is." He tossed a piece into the air, only for Hornet to catch it in her mouth.

"Seriously?" Striker complained.

Hornet winked at him, swallowing the piece. "Should have moved faster, mate," she joked, winking at him and mimicking his accent.

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