A Small Incident Reactions (Special/Request)

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3rd Person POV

Azur Lane

(A/N) This chapter was inspired by an idea from Kamenriderzio218

"Remind me why you have called us all here?" Wales asked as she, Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Yamato, Bismarck, Dreamweaver, and Amagi faced Purifier, who had a grin on her face as the group stood in the mess hall.

"Well, remember that incident a few weeks ago?" Purifier asked.

Yamato frowned. "Incident?" she asked as Enterprise, Hornet, Bismarck, and Amagi exchanged looks.

"Yeah," Purifier affirmed. "A few weeks ago, there was a 'little' incident involving our resident shipboys, and I think you all should get to see what went down. Also, the Author is kinda backing me on this, so you have no choice!"

Everyone blinked.

"Purifier's... antics, aside," Dreamweaver spoke up, her voice soft. "I believe this would be... beneficial for us to see what exactly this 'incident' entails."

As the faction leaders made to contact the rest of their factions, Cleveland turned to Purifier. "Hey, any idea where Striker and Orochi are?"

"Oh yeah, they're out taking care of some rogue Sirens," Purifier replied, waving a hand dismissively. "They'll be fine."

Cleveland sweatdropped. "If you say so."

Timeskip brought to you by Striker and Orochi not being fine

"So, is everyone ready?" Purifier asked as the four factions along with the Iowa sisters, Tester, and Dreamweaver sat in a large theater which the Author definitely did not summon for this chapter's purposes.

(A/N) I did not... okay, maybe I did.

"Yeah, let's start the show!" Wisconsin cheered.

Nodding, Purifier pulled out a VHS tape and plugged it in. "Here we go!" she said excitedly, and the large screen before them lit up.

"Guys?" Striker called, his boots clicking against the floor as he jumped off the deck of his ship to land on the docks. He had just gotten back from a scouting mission with Orochi, and so far, he had yet to see anyone around.

"Maybe they're on break?" Orochi offered, and Striker shrugged. "Maybe..."

"Oh, there you two are!"

Turning, the two brothers saw Zuikaku jogging toward them.

"Hey, Sheila," Striker greeted, turning to face her. "Where is everyone?"

"Yeah, normally there's a crowd when we get back," Orochi joked.

Zuikaku rolled her eyes, giving the Battlecarrier a playful punch to the shoulder. "Of course, there is." Placing a hand on her hip, she jerked a thumb at one of the nearby docks, where a crowd was gathering around a cargo ship. "We got a big shipment, so we need everyone we have to help out."

Hammann frowned. "How did they miss that?"

Striker blinked, staring at the crowd. "How did we miss that?"

Everyone looked at Hammann, who blushed, her face red.

"It seems you two are more alike than ya think," Nevada commented.

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