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We were born with the memories of warships embedded inside us, a sea of countless emotions deep within, beyond the boundaries of time. We carry the prayers of humanity.

I am Orochi. I am a monster. I was born from the will of humanity. 

3rd Person POV

Pacific Ocean, 2032

A large storm raged across the night sky over the Pacific as the thunder of guns echoed across the water.

"We've got five Siren fleets incoming!" Commander Raleigh shouted as lightning cracked above the Iowa class Battleship. "Ready the primary guns!"

"Sir, we've sustained heavy damage!" one of the crew members shouted, running onto the bridge. "We can't fire them!"

"What about the secondaries?"

"Out of commission," the crew member replied.

An explosion shook the ship, causing it to careen sideways.

Everyone on the bridge stumbled.

"What about the railgun?" Raleigh asked.

"The rails are burnt out," the crewman replied. "We've sustained heavy damage to the prow and rudder."

The ship shook again as one of the Siren cruisers fired, hitting the prow and igniting one of the magazines, causing a massive explosion to shake the ship.

"What do we do?" one of the other crewmates asked. "The rest of the fleet's nearly out of commission, and all the guns are offline."

Raleigh was silent for a long moment. "What about the reactor? Is it still operational?"

"Yes, sir."

"We've only got one chance to get rid of these Sirens," Raleigh said. "Inform the rest of the fleet to pull back."


"We're going to clear a path for the ladies," Raleigh answered. He looked down. "I'm sorry, boys. We're not going home tonight."

The rest of the men exchanged looks and nodded. "It was an honor, sir."

Nodding, Raleigh turned and flipped up a hatch, revealing a switch surrounded by black and yellow hazard tape.

Placing his hand on the transponder, Raleigh sighed. "Attention, everyone. This is Captain Raleigh James Becket of the USS Striker. Alert the rest of the fleet to pull back. We're going to detonate the reactor and take these Sirens down to Hell. We may be going down, but we're taking the Sirens with us."

Taking his hand off the transponder, Raleigh turned to the rest of the crew. "It was an honor serving with you, men." Placing his hand on the switch, he flipped it.

A massive explosion tore through the air as a bright flash lit up the Pacific, eviscerating all the Siren ships in the area.

When search crews finally arrived to search the wreckage, they found no traces of the USS Striker, leaving them all with one question: Where was the ship?

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