Chapter 3

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"Are you hungry?" The blonde asked him as they had decided to stop playing, upbeat as always. "Want me to bring us both some lunch so we can eat together?"

"That... would be nice, honestly." Was Nico's reply, accompanied with a small smile. The other nodded, grinning, and went off to bring them some food.

As Will was gone, Nico wondered if that had been the right thing to say. He was starting to think he was getting too comfortable around Will. Maybe he should put some distance between the two of them, so neither wouldn't get too attached.

But... Why was there even a but? It wasn't like Will had anything special. He was just really nice, and kind, and caring... and annoying. Yes, he was really annoying. It wasn't going to be hard to get away from him.

Before he could make any other kind of self convincing about why he should push him away, Will came back with a tray full of food and a wide smile.

He sat down in the spot he had been before, and put the tray in between the two of them.

"So, I brought a little bit of everything because I didn't know what you wanted..." He explained, running a hand through his hair before waving it over the food. "Sandwich, pasta, chicken nuggets..."

"Chicken nuggets!" Nico grinned, and took the bag from the tray. He opened it and tuck one in his mouth. "Hm..."

"Oh, well," the blonde chuckled lightly. "I knew you liked nuggets... I didn't know that much."

Nico swallowed the one he was eating. "This..." He motioned with a new nugget, before taking a bite. "Is the best thing you'll eat in your whole life."

Will shrugged. "I don't know about that..." He took a bowl of salad from the pile and placed it in his lap. "I tend prefer... well, something else..."

Nico rolled his eyes. "You're so fitness." He grumbled, and ate another one of his nuggets.

"What can I say?" Will shrugged his shoulder with a grin playing on his lips. "I like feeling healthy."

Nico rolled his eyes a second time, "yeah, yeah. Whatever you say..."


"So..." Nico asked as they finished their lunch. "What now?

"Well, normally I make my patients rest, so that's what you're going to do." He informed him.

"Resting will help your wrist heal faster." Will said with a small smile as the other let out a sigh. "Besides... you have- shadows under your eyes..." He touched Nico's cheek gently, brushing his thumb over the dark area bellow his coffee-colored eye.

Now, Nico couldn't say why he didn't move away. He did not expect Will to do that, specially since the other knew how uncomfortable physical contact made him. But he still didn't push him away. This, particularly, didn't make him uncomfortable, actually...

He held his breath as he felt his cheeks turning warmer. As Will noticed this, he pulled his hand away, looking suddenly embarrassed.

"Uh- sorry about that..." He rubbed his neck briefly, before regaining his posture. "A-anyway... You need rest."

Nico took a deep breath, and nodded, before getting himself in between the blankets.

Will helped him by pulling the blankets over him. He patted them before standing.

"Well... Have a good rest, Nico." Will smiled, and turned to leave.

"Thanks..." Nico replied quietly, watching him leave and close the door behind him. He let out a sigh as Will was out of earshot. What was happening to him? What was this fuzzy feeling in his gut when the blonde doctor smiled at him? It hadn't been there before.

He couldn't keep his mind from replaying the scene of the thumb. The skin under his eye still tickled from the touch, feeling certain emptiness. He wished Will was there, just so he could touch his face, hold his hand...

He found himself wondering how would it feel like to have his lips on his. He didn't have any reference of how a kiss was supposed to feel. Wet? Soft? Will's thin, rosy lips would certainly feel good.

He scowled. What was wrong with him? Not like Will was even handsome, with that blonde hair that sparkled in the sunlight, or those baby blue eyes that reminded him of a cloudless sky, or the little dimples that appeared every time he smiled.


After a couple of hours shifting sides in the bed, rolling in and out of the blankets as he dwelled about certain doctor that seemed to be making his life way harder by just existing, he finally feel asleep.

Just to meet Will one more time in his dreams.

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