Enterprise summoned her bow and started toying with the string, eyeing Striker as the Battleship gulped.

Flashback End

"It was... interesting," Striker said, choosing his words carefully. "Let's just say I have a newfound fear of Yorktown and shopping."

"Then why would you send me out shopping with them?" Orochi asked.

"Because A: you're not dating their little sister, and B: even though I nearly got an arrow in a place that I will not say, I turned out having a pretty awesome outfit."

"If you say so," Orochi replied uncertainly.

Timeskip brought to you by Striker sending Orochi to certain death

I can't believe I'm doing this, Orochi winced as he stood outside the Yorktown class's dorm room.

Raising his fist, he knocked, and Enterprise opened the door.

"Orochi?" she asked in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"This might sound odd," Orochi said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "But I was wondering if you and Yorktown could help me out with something."


"Helping me get an outfit for the celebration."

Enterprise smiled. "It seems we made more of an impact on Striker than we thought."

"If you're referring to how he's going to have PTSD every time someone mentions shopping and Yorktown in the same sentence, then yeah, you succeeded," Orochi replied.

"Wait here."

Enterprise closed the door, leaving Orochi standing outside in the hall.

Several seconds passed, and the door opened again, revealing Yorktown. "Please, come in," she invited, her gaze predatory.

Orochi gulped. This is gonna hurt.

Timeskip brought to you by Orochi running from Yorktown and Enterprise

Or not, Orochi mused as he walked away from Yorktown's dorm, a black package wrapped in red under one arm. Turns out, Yorktown had access to a stash of captain's outfits. How? He wasn't really sure he wanted to know.

With Yorktown and Enterprise

"I'm surprised you let him off so easily," Enterprise said, facing Yorktown on one of the bunks as she pulled out her naval outfit for the celebration. "I was expecting you to take him shopping like you did Striker."

"Well, he wasn't dating our little sister, now, was he?" Yorktown asked. "And no, you are not wearing that." She gestured to Enterprise's admiral outfit.

"Why not?" Enterprise asked in confusion.

"This is a celebration," Yorktown reminded her. "Not a naval battle. Need I do to you what I did to Striker?"

Enterprise gulped.

Timeskip brought to you by Yorktown threatening Enterprise

The time for the celebration had finally rolled around, and Striker was as nervous as Hell. Come on, he berated himself as he straightened his outfit in a mirror in his quarters, the black officer dress uniform gleaming with its eerie blue trim. Think of it like a dance... a dance that I'm taking Hornet to.

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