~The Games-Days Seven and Eight~

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William Nelliet - District Twelve

I joined North, Cove, and Tate for one reason and one reason only: I want to survive.

No, I didn't join them so Jordan and his group could win. I want to win. I knew we were never going to figure out who was going to die, Jordan or I, so I thought it would just be easier to join this group. Still...something seems wrong. I do like Jordan and Holly and Calvin and Sky. And I feel like I betrayed them. And I don't like my new group too much either.

When Tate got cut by Jordan, we ran back to our camp and fixed him up with our first aid kit. Then we went back to sleep. It's now the middle of the day on day seven, and we're eating lunch.

"I think we can win guys," Cove says. "Me too," we all agree. "All we need to do is stay strong and be prepared to fight," North says. "And we can beat the other group. They're all so weak," Tate says. "Hey! Don't be mean, they're my friends," I say. "Well if they're you're friends why'd you leave them?" Asks Tate. "Yeah. Either be with them or be with us," Cove says. "I know!" I exclaim angrily.

For the rest of the day, we hunt for food in the forest, fish down by the river, and hang out on the beach. Although Cove, North, and Tate make me take watch the whole time so I don't get to have any fun. I'm liking my alliance less and less now.

We eat dinner and then head off to bed. I stay up, and I wait until everyone else is asleep. I reach into my pack and take out my knife. I hold it in my hand and think about this for a second.

I really hate my new alliance. I miss being with Jordan, Holly, Sky, and Calvin. And I never admitted this, but I secretly had a crush on Sky. And Jordan and I are really good friends. And Holly and Calvin are both really strong and nice as well. I've made up my mind.

I slit Cove, North, and Tate's throat, and then raise the knife and slit my own.

Deaths of Day Seven

•Cove Franklin - District Six
•Tate Illins - District Eight
•North Cameron - District Nine
•William Nelliet - District Twelve

Jacklyn Eversea - District Four

Even through I miss Cami, Dove, and Marsh, I really want to make it back home. All who is left are the big group of four, Trevor, Griffin, and me. Cove, North, Tate, and William all died mysteriously last night. Only seven people left, and three have to die.

Every one of us is from a different district, so really, any four could win. It just comes down to who is the strongest and who can do it.

I wake up feeling good on the ninth day. I'm still in the tree. I eat some beef strips and some carrots for breakfast. Then I dump out the contents of my bag. I have quite a lot of stuff due to the fact that when my allies died I added the things in their pack to mine. I have a loaf of bread, which I have a few slices of, a couple of throwing knives, a bow and arrow, water purifiers, fishing supplies, some plastic, a spile, one full and two empty water bottles, and some apples. I have an apple, they're a little rotten but mostly okay.

I put everything back in the bag and then decide to go hunt for food. I'm not the greatest at archery, but ever since I fought off those mutts I've been practicing and have gotten better. I'm also good at fishing since I am from District Four.

I climb down the tree with my pack and bow and arrow slung over my back. I begin walking down the path. I walk deeper into the forest and find a river, so I decide to fish. I sit down and get the supplies out, and then I start fishing.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Someone says from behind me. I whip around. It's Trevor, with a knife in his hand. I slowly stand up. I don't say anything. Trevor throws his knife at me, but I dodge it. I whip out an arrow and shoot it. It lands directly in Trevor's chest and he falls to the ground. His cannon goes off.

I stand there in shock. He was my first kill.

I grab my gear and rush out of there. As I reach my tree, I think about how much closer I am to home. There's only me, Griffin, and the group of four left. I could make it. Miracles happen.

Deaths of Day Eight

•Trevor Twilight - District Three

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